Adding Resources

You can use the Add New Resource page to add resources to your system. You must have the appropriate permissions to add resources. Once you have created a new resource, you can use the Edit option to update a resource profile to include certifications and assets.

Note: You must complete all mandatory fields highlighted in red.

To create a new resource:

  1. From the Top Navigation bar, select Go To > Resources > Listing. The Resource Listing screen is displayed.
  2. Select Create > Resource. The Add New Resource screen is displayed.

Entering Resource Details

  1. Choose the type of resource: Equipment (if enabled) or Person. The information fields change depending on the resource type you selected.
  2. If you selected resource type Person, enter a Login ID, First Name, and Last Name. If you selected resource type Equipment, enter a Login ID, the Make, Resource Name, Owner First Name and Owner Last Name.
  3. Select an Access Profile. All resources in the system must have an Access Profile.
  4. Select a status. The default status is Active.
  5. Specify when this resource status should become effective.
  6. Enter the user authentication mode. This field displays only if the default user authentication mode was set to LDAP or SSO.
  7. Enter a password. This field appears only if the user authentication mode is set to User Password.
  8. Enter an Email address.

Selecting an Organization

  1. Select a division. The other fields are populated based on the value you select here.
  2. Enter a business unit and business subunit.

Selecting Time Reporting, Calendar, and Rates

  1. Select a calendar. The default calendar is the Standard Calendar.

    Note: You must associate a resource with a calendar. The resource calendar is used to calculate resource utilizations.

  2. Select the type of labor rate. If you select Use Role Rate, then the labor rate for this resource is based on the rate associated with their role. If you select Use Resource Rate, enter the standard, overtime, or setup labor rates.

Selecting Initiatives and Roles

  1. From the Associated Initiatives selection box, select all initiatives associated with this resource.
  2. From the Roles selection box, select the roles this resource can perform within each initiative. You can select multiple roles for a user. In single initiative systems, you must select at least one role.
  3. From the Access selection box, select the access this resource has. This field is displayed only if the selected initiative has user based confidentiality.

Providing Consent

This section is displayed only if your administrator has enabled the Privacy & Security and the Require Resource Consent features. Review the consent notice and provide initial consent on behalf of this resource. An email is sent informing them that you have provided initial consent. Users will be required to review the consent notice and provide their consent when they first log in to the application. If you are adding an equipment or configuring an inactive resource, no additional consent notice is displayed as they cannot log in to the application.

Adding Additional Information, Selecting Preferences and Areas of Expertise

  1. Click the Additional Information tab.
  2. Enter any additional information under the Contact Information and Additional Resource Details sections.
  3. Select default preferences for this resource.
    • Date Format: Select how you want dates to be displayed.
    • Date Separator: Select how you want the date, month, and year to be separated.
    • Time Format: Select how you want the time to be displayed.
    • Language: Select your language. All system-generated emails are also displayed in the language you select here.
    • Use Browser Language: Select this check box to make the language displayed by EnterpriseTrack match your browser’s language setting. When the Use Browser Language check box is not selected, EnterpriseTrack is displayed in the language selected in the Language drop-down list.
    • Include Archived Pull Downs in Filter: Select this check box if you want to view archived pull-down values in filters.
    • Include Invalid Pull Downs in Filter: Select this check box if you want to view invalid pull-down values in filters.
  4. From the list of Available Areas box, select the areas of expertise.
    1. To add an area of expertise to the list, click the Add link next the Selected Areas label.
    2. Enter a name and click OK.

Adding Resource Custom Fields

  1. Click the Resource Custom Fields tab.
  2. Enter values for any custom fields that are configured. If your administrator has configured a tool tip, you can mouse over the Information icon to view the help text.
  3. Click Add Resource.

See Also

Managing Resources

Editing Resources

Managing Certifications

Managing Assets

Changing Passwords

Deleting Resources

Reset User Consent Status

Using Search, Advanced Search, and Saved Search

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Last Published Monday, May 4, 2020