Resetting the Privacy Consent Status

If you have modified the privacy policy, you can reset the consent status for all active users. Users are required to review the updated consent notice and provide their consent when they log in to the application. The consent status for all existing users is changed from Consent Provided to Consent Pending. You can also reset the mobile consent status.

The Reset Privacy Consent Status link is disabled if no user has provide their consent.

To reset the privacy consent status:

  1. Select the Privacy Configuration tab.
  2. Select the Reset Privacy Consent Status link.
  3. Select the Reset User Mobile Consent Status checkbox, to reset the mobile consent status.
  4. Select the I Agree checkbox.
  5. Click Save.

See Also

Administering Privacy Configurations

Providing Consent for Existing Users

Viewing Consent Status Report

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Last Published Monday, May 4, 2020