Viewing Dashboards

To view dashboards, from the Top Navigation bar, select Go To>Dashboard> View.

You can select the type of Dashboard you want to view, using the Select Dashboards pull-down menu on the top right corner of the screen.




Click to manage dashboards. You can create, copy, paste, edit, and share dashboards. You can also set filters for each component in the dashboard.


Click to refresh a dashboard. The graph is recomputed using the latest data in the system. You can also update each component in the dashboard separately.


Click to generate a PDF to print or email. You can choose the layout selection by selecting one, two, or four components per page.

Components in the Dashboard

A component is a single graph that shows information on projects, proposals, resources, or finances etc. A dashboard can contain multiple components. The table below describes the icons that are displayed on the component bar.



Click to open the Inline Filter box. Inline Filters provide instant access to some of the most commonly used filter fields. Inline Filters are simple to use. For more information, see topic Using In-Line Filters.

Click to set filters and display options for each component.

Click to save a dashboard as a PDF file.

Click to maximize the component screen.

Click to minimize the component screen.

Click to refresh the component.

Click for a description of the component.


You can mouse-over the components to view the values in the bars.


On some components, you can click on the bar to drill down to view detailed information. The information is displayed either as a list or a graph.

Related Topics

My Dashboards

Working with Dashboards

Reading the Executive Dashboard

Reading the Project Dashboard

Managing Dashboards

Available Dashboard Components

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Last Published Tuesday, June 9, 2020