Requesting Financial Data Validation

Users with appropriate permissions (e.g., Finance Representatives, Blackbelts) may need to validate financial projections at any time during the course of a project. Your EnterpriseTrack system may be implemented in such a way that you have to request financial data validation at certain points during a project before additional data can be updated.

To request a validation of the financial data:

  1. Navigate to the Project Finances page by selecting (Project #) > Go To > Finances, or clicking the Finances link on the Left Navigation bar within a particular project.
  2. Click on the Validation tab. You can also click the Financial Validations button on the Summary tab
  3. Based on your permissions and the financial approval process implemented within your system, you should see appropriate Request buttons.
  4. Click the Request button for the user whose validation you are seeking. The status will be updated to "Pending Approval" and an email request will be sent to that user. The user will also see an item in the My Work page.
  5. The Validation history will be updated.

Related Topics

Working with Project Financial Data

Viewing Project Finance Summary

Viewing Project Finance Details

Editing Financial Data

Comparing Finances

Validating Financial Data

Working with Finance Snapshots

Modifying Financial Locks

Working with Finance Settings

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Last Published Tuesday, June 9, 2020