Edit Team Member Information

You can use the Edit Team Member Info page to change the resource currently assigned to a role and to override the current labor rate.


To edit a team member's information:

  1. Navigate to the Project Resources page (Project #)> Go To> Resources > Listing or click the Resources link on the Left Navigation Bar within a particular project.
  2. Locate the resource you want to edit and select > Edit.
  3. From the Possible Choices pull-down menu, select a resource.
  4. Select Override Labor Rate only if you want to overwrite the current labor rate for this resource.
    • Click the Calendar icon to change the effective start date. Edit the standard, overtime, or setup labor rates.
    • Click the [Add Row] link to add a new row. Click the Calendar icon to select the effective start date. Enter the standard, overtime, and setup labor rates.
  5. Click the Update.

Related Topics

Working with Project Resources

Assigning Resources to a Project

Re-assigning a Team Member to a Role

View Rate Change History

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Using an External Email Client

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Deleting a Team Picture

Working with Resource Assignments

Create Request for Resource Allocation

Edit a Resource Allocation Request

Withdraw a Request for Resource Allocation

Reopen Resource Allocation Request

Release Project Resource Allocation

View a Team Member's Calendar

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Last Published Tuesday, June 9, 2020