Navigating the Knowledge Base

The Knowledge base module is made up of three panes: Tree pane on the top left, List pane on the top right and a Properties pane at the bottom. 

Use this icon to maximize the size of each pane.

Use this icon to restore the pane to its original size.

Tree Pane

The tree pane displays the knowledge base tree. You can create new folders (or nodes) in the tree, cut, copy and paste elements of the tree and delete folders from the tree using the icons displayed on this pane. Folders can contain documents or templates.

Use this icon to create a new folder.

Use this icon to copy a folder.

Use this icon to cut a folder.

Use this icon to paste the folder that you cut or copied.

Use this icon to delete a folder. When a folder is deleted, all its children (nodes - i.e. any folders, documents and templates within it) are also deleted.

Use this icon to expand the complete knowledge base tree.

List Pane

The list displays the child nodes, i.e. (the documents and templates) of the currently selected folder in the tree pane. Click on an item in the list to view its properties in the properties pane.

Use this icon to add a new document.

Use this icon to add a new template.

Properties Pane

The properties pane displays the properties of the selected document or template.

Click this icon to edit the properties.

Click this icon to save the changes made to the properties.

Click this icon to leave the properties unchanged.

Note: If you have selected a node (i.e. folder) from the Tree pane, you will see its children in the List pane and its properties in the Properties pane. To view the properties of the child (i.e. the document or template), you must click on its name in the list pane.

Related Topics

Knowledge Base

Working with Global Documents

Creating a New Global Document

Updating and Deleting Global Documents

Deleting documents

Working with Tool Templates

Creating a New Tool Template

Updating Tool Templates

Working with Best Practices Documents

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Last Published Tuesday, June 9, 2020