Editing an Idea

To edit an Idea

  1. Click the icon next to the Idea you want to edit and select Edit > Details.
  2. Make the required changes to the idea. Oracle recommends that you use the Details Help to ensure that your idea is as complete as possible.
  3. Enter the metrics for evaluating an Idea. The different evaluation criteria and weights in this section are standardized for the system and set up during configuration. Oracle recommends that you use the Evaluation Help as a guideline for creating the scores for each criterion. You can modify the weights and impact only if you have the Edit Idea Evaluation Criteria permission. The administrator can modify the weights, names, and help descriptions if required.
  4. You can attach document files by clicking the [Add Doc] link.
  5. Click Update Idea to save changes.

Using Quick Edit

To edit an idea from the main Idea page:

  1. Click the icon next to the Idea you want to edit and select Quick Edit. The columns you can edit are highlighted in pink.
  2. Make the required changes.
  3. Click the Save.

Deleting an Idea

If you have the appropriate permissions, you will be able to delete an idea. Click the Delete button on the Idea details page. If a proposal has already been created from the idea, you will have to delete the proposal before you delete the idea.

Related Topics


Working with Ideas

Creating an Idea

Creating a Proposal from an Idea

Searching for Ideas

Using Ideas List Filter

Assigning an Owner for an Idea

Re-opening an Idea

Rejecting an Idea

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Last Published Tuesday, June 9, 2020