Managing Finance Lock Enforcement Settings

To configure the finance lock settings:

  1. Click the Finances tab.
  2. Select Finance Lock Enforcement Settings link.
  3. Select an initiative and click the [Edit] link next to it.
  4. Select Strict or Limited.
  5. Click the Update button to save you changes.


    Oracle recommends not changing the enforcement mode on a live production system. When the mode is changed, it takes effect only for new projects created from that point of time. Old projects continue in the previous enforcement mode and cannot be changed.


    • In the Limited mode, the finance lock/close period enforcement is guaranteed only when roadmap activities are used with Actual Effort Type (AET) set to Effort from Finances. Finance lock enforcement is not guaranteed when used with any other AET.
    • If finance lock is set to Strict, you cannot change the currency exchange rate or labor rates for locked/closed financial periods. For roadmap activities, the Actual Effort Type (AET) is restricted to Effort at Resource Level (Detail), Effort from Timesheet, and Effort from Finances.

The following table lists the supported options for both the Strict and Limited modes.

Supported Options




Always Guaranteed

Not Guaranteed. Guaranteed only when used with AET set to Effort from Finances, finances are edited in the monthly mode, and resource rates are explicitly overridden at the project level.

Enforcement is through manual process.

Resource labor rate, role, labor rate changes

Not allowed if it can affect a finance lock/close period in any project.

System does not check for violation and finance lock/close period integrity is not protected.

Currency conversion rate (exchange rate) changes

Not allowed if it can affect a finance lock/close period in any project.

System does not check for violation and finance lock/close period integrity is not protected.

Supported AETs

Effort at Resource Level (Detail), Effort from Timesheet, and Effort from Finances

All AET options

Unsupported AETs

Duration& Resource % availability, Effort at Activity Level- Equal % Distribution, Effort at Activity Level- Unequal % Distribution, and Effort at Resource Level (Summary)


Editing finances in yearly or aggregate (annualized) mode

Not allowed

Allowed. Finance lock may not be protected.

See Also

Finance Management

Managing Currencies

Managing Finance Templates

Managing Finance Approval Templates

Managing Finance Element Types

Managing Labor Expense Types

Managing Activity Labor Cost Capitalization Settings

Updating Global Finance Constants

About Finance Locking

Using Bulk Finance Snapshots

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Last Published Monday, May 11, 2020