Working with Activity Templates

You can create activity templates for each phase of your project, and each activity template can be configured to have an ordered list of tasks and deliverables. You can specify tools, create tollgates, set approvers, and set resources.

You can set tollgates to be effort-based or duration based:

This is based on the effort required to get a job done. For example, a paint job may require 40 hours for 4 people working for 5 hours every day to complete the job.

If there is a required time for the job to be completed. For example, in the instance of the paint job above, it may take a certain amount of time for the paint job to dry up. The lead time cannot be reduced by putting more people to dry the paint.

Activity templates are used in roadmaps and changes made to an activity template affect all roadmaps that refer to the template. Existing projects are not affected, only future projects are affected by the template changes.

In This Section

Creating Activity Templates

Editing Activity Templates

Copying Activity Templates

Deleting Activity Templates

Adding Deliverables and Tasks to Activity Templates

Adding Dependencies between Activities

Editing Activities and Tasks

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Last Published Monday, May 11, 2020