Setting Global Finance Locks

When you set a finance lock, all finance data for all periods up to the lock month will be locked. The finances are displayed in read-only mode and users cannot make changes to any value within that period. In addition, you can also create a temporary lock for all finance months with immediate effect. To view, edit, or delete finance locks, see topic Viewing, Editing, or Deleting Finance Locks.

To create a global finance lock:

  1. Click the Finance tab.
  2. Select the Bulk Finance Locking link.
  3. From the Global Finance Locking section, select the finance view to lock. You can select to the Actual, Plan, Basic or All.
    If your finance template is configured with the Data View Mode set to Single View Basic, you can only select Basic as the finance view to lock. You can use Actual, Plane or All if your finance template is configured with the Data View Mode set to Double View.
  4. Select the Set Global Finance Lock Month check box.
  5. Select the lock month and enter the year.
  6. Click Update.

To create a temporary global finance lock:

  1. Click the Finance tab.
  2. Select the Bulk Finance Locking link.
  3. From the Global Finance Locking section, select the Set Temporary Global Lock for All Finance Months Now check box.
  4. Click Update.

See Also

About Finance Locking

Setting Bulk Finance Locks

Viewing, Editing, or Deleting Finance Locks

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Last Published Monday, May 11, 2020