Creating a Status Report

To create a status report:

  1. Navigate to the Status Reports page by selecting (Project #) > Go To > Status Reports, or by clicking the Status Reports link on the left navigation bar within a particular project.

    You can also create a status report from your My Work page. Select Create Status Report under the Action column next to the project name.

  2. Select Create > New Status Report.
  3. On the Create Status Report page, complete the fields that are editable. The system automatically generates some pre-selected information about the project for your report.
  4. Click Save to save your changes, or click Submit For Approval to send it to your manager or supervisor for approval.


    • The sections you see on your status report are configured by your administrator. The Risk and Issues sections are displayed only if they have been enabled on your project and if they were configured by your administrator.
    • The finance section displays, the Plan, Actual, and Forecast values if your project uses double-view finance templates and Locked and Total values for projects using single-view finance templates.

Related Topics

Working with Status Reports

Working with Existing Status Reports

Copying Status Reports

Approving Status Reports

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Last Published Tuesday, June 9, 2020