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Oracle® Retail Xstore Office Cloud Service Administration Guide
Release 18.0
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6 Data Extraction

Once the merchant's Xstore Office Cloud Service licence expires, the hosted data can be requested via a service request (SR).

The servicing technician can use Oracle Data Pump to extract the data like in the following example.

expdp dbauser/dbapass@MyCloudDB schemas=XCENTER,XADMIN,XCENTER_REPLICATION directory='/u01/app/oracle/oradata/' dumpfile=xoffice.dmp logfile=expdp-office.log

If the Xcenter application is still running and the data is small enough to download (several GBs), the resulting DMP file can be placed for download in a directory like /u02/app_files/pospoll, which is a directory configured in /usr/local/xcenter-config/xcenter.properties.

The file could then be downloaded like GET: http://localhost:8081/xcenter/rest/MyMerchCode/v1/file/pospolls/EXPDAT01.DMP