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Oracle® Retail Xstore Suite 19.0/Oracle® Retail Merchandising Suite 19.1.000 Implementation Guide
Release 19.0
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4 OCDS Integration Configuration

This chapter describes configuration options for the OCDS integration.

Xstore Office: OCDS Integration Communication

Xstore Office requests changes to Merchandising and Pricing data in OCDS by calling the REST web services.

[ON PREMISE ONLY] The Xstore Office xcenter.properties file contains properties for the OCDS URL and service path prefix.

[CLOUD ONLY] The properties for the OCDS integration are set up through the Xadmin Integration Management feature and are stored in the Xstore Office Cloud Service database.


The Integration Management feature only available for Xstore Office Cloud Service.

Table 4-1 Connection Properties

Properties Description


A URL describing protocol, host name, and port of the OCDS Web Services.

Example: https://{hostname}:{port}


The root service path for OCDS.

Example: /ords/{system}/omnichannel/v1


The encrypted username used to authenticate web service communication with OCDS. This property is only necessary for on-prem installations, cloud installations store this information in the Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM).


The encrypted password used to authenticate web service communication with OCDS. This property is only necessary for on-prem installations, cloud installations store this information in the Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM).

Xstore Office: Omnichannel Data Service Configuration Options

The OCDS system settings are used to enable and configure the integration.

[ON PREMISE ONLY] The Xstore Office xcenter.properties file contains properties for the OCDS configuration options.

[CLOUD ONLY] Use the Xadmin Integration Management feature to set OCDS configuration options.

Table 4-2 OCDS Configuration Options

Setting Description

OCDS Retain Job History

The number of days to retain OCDS Job History data in the Xadmin database.

OCDS Scheduled Job Interval Minutes

This is the frequency with which Xadmin requests data from OCDS. The value should be greater than or equal to 30 minutes.

OCDS On Demand Job Interval Minutes

This is the maximum amount of time that will elapse between when an on-demand job is created and is executed. The value should be greater than or equal to 5 minutes.

OCDS Orphan Data Protection Offset Seconds

This is the minimum amount of time data must age in OCDS before it can be visible to Xcenter. The offset helps to prevent related-data from becoming orphaned due to system latency. The value should be greater than or equal to 30 seconds.

OCDS Records Per Request Limit

This specifies the number of records to request in calls to OCDS. If no limit is defined then OCDS will determine the maximum number of records.

OCDS Retail Location: Till Accountability

This specifies if Retail Locations/Stores created from OCDS data are to use Till Accountability or not.

OCDS Retail Location: Default Locale

This specifies the Locale to use in Retail Locations created from OCDS data when a LANG_ISO_CODE is not defined for a location. This setting defines the value assigned to a Retail Location in the Xstore database if the store was not assigned a Locale in Merchandising

OCDS Item: Tax Group ID for non-taxable Items

This specifies the Tax Group ID assigned to non-taxable items created from OCDS data.

OCDS Item: Include future date to determine VAT code with the greatest active date?

This specifies if future date should be included to determine VAT code with the greatest active date.

OCDS VAT Rounding Code

Specifies how the system will round when calculating the tax amount. Valid values are CEILING, DOWN, FLOOR, HALF_DOWN, HALF_EVEN, HALF_UP, and UP. For example, ocds.vatRoundingCode=HALF_UP

OCDS VAT Rounding Digits

Specifies how many decimal places to round to when calculating the tax amount.The minimum rounding digit is 0 and the maximum rounding digit is 10. For example, ocds.vatRoundingDigits=2

OCDS VAT Rounding at Transaction Level

Specifies the ability to round at transaction level when calculating the tax amount.

When setting is set to true, the calculated tax will be rounded at the transaction level. For example, ocds.vatRoundingAtTransLevel=true

When setting is set to false, the calculated tax is rounded at the line item level.

Merchandising Chain to Xstore Organization Mapping

The Xstore Suite provides the opportunity to organize data by Organization, where centralized and store-level data can be isololated according to a retail organization structure. The Merchandising Suite supports the use of one or more Chains, where a chain can be used to group various store formats.

The OCDS Integration in the On Premise and Cloud Xstore Office requires that at least one Merchanising Chain be mapped to an Xstore Organization. This configuration must not be changed once the mapping is established.

OCDS Database Tables

There are three database tables in the Xadmin database that are exclusively used for integration with OCDS. See the Oracle® Retail Xstore Point-of-Service Software Database Dictionary for complete details on these tables.

Table 4-3 OCDS Database Tables

Table Name Description


When enabled in Xadmin, an OCDS job is executed by scheduled-interval or on-demand, to detect foundation data changes in OCDS server and extract them out into .mnt files. An entry in this table records the status, start/end time and other information of a job executed.


An entry in this table represents an on-demand OCDS job request. On-demand jobs can be system generated (as in the case of new store detection), or user generated (from the Xadmin UI).


An OCDS job executes a list of subtasks. Each subtask represents a foundation data area to detect and extract out changes. The table defines metadata for all subtasks. For a scheduled job, each and every active subtask is executed. For an on-demand job, a subset of subtasks specified for the job is executed.

The only table that requires seed data is the OCDS_SUBTASK_DETAILS; the other two tables will populate during OCDS operations.

Seed Data for VAT and Non-VAT Organizations

The OCDS_SUBTASK_DETAILS table contains metadata that controls how .mnt files are named and deployed for data-loading into Xstore Suite databases. In general, the out-of-the box seed data values for this table are appropriate for most organizations; however, if not using VAT then the ACTIVE column for the VAT SUBTASK_ID should be set to 0.

Figure 4-1 OCDS Subtask Details Table

This image shows the OCDS subtask details table.

Download: Immediate vs Store Close

The OCDS_SUBTASK_DETAILS table includes the column DOWNLOAD_TIME, which specifies when .mnt files should be downloaded for data loading at the store. The column contains null for those OCDS Subtasks that only populate the Xcenter database. The out-of-the-box seed data is configured so that only Pricing data will flow to the store immediately.