Transaction Valuation Configuration

Valuation configuration tells the system to run the valuation engine. Running the valuation engine means the system will create a valuation structure in memory that pulls all the policy records from the AsValuation table and performs core and configured calculations. The resulting values can be accessed by the transaction's <Math> section. <MathVariables> then can be used in <Assignment>.

Valuation can be calculated multiple times for different dates within a single activity. This is supported by allowing transaction math to execute valuation and pass the results of that valuation to math variables. Refer to the MathStatement section and the ValuationValue section for configuration information. This method can be used in addition to running traditional activity valuation using the activity effective date.

The activity's valuation, if calculated using a <Valuation> element, will exist in memory and its values will appear on the Valuation tab of the Activity Results screen. Accessing the activity's valuation can be accomplished by using the ‘Valuation:’ syntax. The activity's effective date will always be the activity's valuation date.

Assignment configuration uses the Allocation or ReassignAllocations information and writes records to AsValuation for each deposit by fund and Money type.

Example of <Valuation> configuration from the Variable Deferred Annuity product template





In the Rules Palette, the Valuation Engine is configured in the General pane.

General Pane of a Transation with Valuation Section Highlighted

Valuation section on transaction General pane

Valuation Section of a Transaction's General Pane

Valuation Check Box and Field Descriptions

Valuation Checkbox

  • The Valuation checkbox should be checked if the transaction will need valuation to run.

  • This MUST be checked if Assignments are configured.

  • This MUST be checked if you want to pull values from the Valuation XML.

EffectiveDate Checkbox

  • The Effective Date checkbox should be checked if you want to use a valuation date that is different from the Activity’s As of Effective Date.

Effective Date Type Drop Down Box

  • The Effective Date Type drop down box allows the system date or a field value as the As of Effective Date to be used.

Fields drop down box

  • If a field type is selected, then select the field from this drop-down box.

  • The field needs to already be configured in the transaction for this to be populated. This becomes the activity’s Valuation Date.

Effective Date NUV Must Exist Checkbox

If this box is checked, the Unit Values (NUVs) as of the activity’s Valuation Date must be present in order for the activity to process at all. If there are no Unit Values, the system displays an error message stating NUV’s Missing (Effective Date).

System Date NUV Must Exist checkbox

If the box is checked, Unit Values as of the System Date must be present in order for the activity to process at all. If no Unit Values are present, the system displays an error message stating NUV’s Missing (System Date).

If the box is unchecked for a variable product and NUV’s do not exist for the System Date, but Unit Values are present for the Valuation Date, the activity will process in its entirety, except for the calculation of any Gain/Loss. The Activity List screen will display a lightning bolt icon next to the activity with a status of Gain/Loss Pending until Unit Values are added for the System Date. After Unit Values have been entered for the System Date and either the lightening bolt is clicked again or Cycle is run, the Activity Status will change to Active and Gain/Loss will be calculated.

Important   For Fixed products, this should never be checked.

Example of Valuation Details screen for an activity in the Variable Deferred Annuity product template

Transaction Activity Detail in OIPA

Transaction Valuation in Activity Detail Window in OIPA