WriteValuationElements Rule

This is not needed. It is summarized in the System Rules page and is defined in the XMLguide.

The WriteValuationElements business rule allows the user to select fields to write to the database after valuation has processed. The rule provides the ability to write valuation data from four categories: Policy, Fund, Deposit and PolicyValues. The Policy, Fund and Deposit sections have a variety of fields available while the PolicyValues section can be used to access and store the value of any PolicyValues math variable.

Each of the four elements of the WriteValuationElements business rule, <Policy>, <Fund>, <Deposit>, and <PolicyValues> follows an identical format. Each element can contain multiple <Element> sub-elements. The value of each <Element> sub-element must be the name of a predefined field or a PolicyValues math variable.

The predefined fields that are available for use for <Policy>, <Fund> and <Deposit> are listed below. Each value is populated by the valuation engine each time valuation is executed for the specific policy.


  • SurrenderValue

  • NetGain

  • InterestBonus

  • MVAAmount

  • RedemptionAmount

  • GuaranteedAmount

  • FreeAmount


  • SurrenderValue

  • NetGain

  • UnitValue

  • MVAAmount

  • RedemptionAmount

  • GuaranteedAmount

  • FreeAmount


  • SurrenderValue

  • SurrenderRate

  • NetGain

  • InterestBonus

  • MVAAmount

  • RedemptionAmount

  • GuaranteedAmount

  • InitalUnits

  • InitalCashValue

Note: There are two resources for additional information regarding this rule. View the prototype example for configuration details. View the XML Configuration Guide from the Help menu inside the Rules Palette. This rule can be found in the Business Rules | System Rules folder.