Understanding Security in Questionnaire Framework


The Questionnaire Framework delivers the following Roles:

  1. Questionnaire Administrator. A Questionnaire Administrator role is a super user and has full access to the data in the Questionnaire Framework. The Questionnaire Administrator:

    • Has read and write access to setup pages like Questionnaire Category, Question Pool, Answer Pool, Smart Answers, Questionnaire Templates

    • Can access the Manage Questionnaires page and the COMMON category which is system delivered.

    • Can create New Question and Answer, Use Existing Question and Answer, add Question and Answer to the Pool.

    • Can edit the Access field in the Define Questionnaire page.

    • The Questionnaire Administrator role needs to be assigned to the user designated to manage and administer the Questionnaire Framework.

  2. Questionnaire Composer. A Questionnaire Composer role can only access the Manage Questionnaires page and the COMMON category which is system delivered.

    User roles that need specific access rights to manage the questionnaires can be assigned in the Questionnaire Category Page

Permission list

The permission list EOQF3000 is system delivered to the Employee and Manager roles to view and answer questionnaires. If there are any custom roles created for employees and managers in an organization, this permission list should be added to those roles as well to enable them to view and answer questionnaires.