Updating Dates on Run Controls

Page Name

Definition Name


Run Control Update Registry Page


Register the Run Controls and fields for Date Update task.

Use the Run Control Update Registry page (EORC_RCCMPS) for administrators to register the Run Controls that can be updated by the users.

Image: Run Control Update Registry Page

Run Control Update Registry Page

Run Control Update Registry page

Field or Control


Search Filters

Use the search filters to find the required run controls that you want to register for the Run Control Date Update task.

Field or Control


Process Type

Choose the relevant Process Type .


Choose the Object Owner.

Process name

Choose the Process name.

Click Search to list the relevant run controls based on the user’s search filters.

Field or Control


Select Processes and Run Controls

Field or Control


Select All

Select all the search results.

Deselect All

Deselect all the search results.

Grid Action menu

The Grid Action Menu provides three options that the user can perform on the search results:

  • Personalize the column and sort order of the search result grid.

  • Zoom or display in a popup page the selected processes and run controls.

  • Download the selected processes and run controls table to and Excel sheet.


Search a particular text in the search result.


Select the required Run Controls from the search result.

Process Type

Displays the Process Type of the Run Controls.

Process Name

Displays the Process Name of the Run Controls.

Component name

Displays the Component Name of the Run Controls.


Indicates whether the Run Control has been registered for the date update task.

Edit Run Control Registry pagelet

Use the Edit Run Control Registry pagelet to include or specify the fields in the Run Control that is registered for Run Control Date Update.

Image: Edit Run Control Registry pagelet

Edit Run Control Registry pagelet.

Edit Run Control Registry pagelet

Field or Control


Registered Run Control Fields
Component Name

Choose the Run Control Component Name from the parent page.

Record (Table) Name

Choose the table name with the fields to be updated .

Field Name

Choose the field Name in the table that needs to be updated.

Field Used As

The list of page fields that the field can be used as.

Use the + or - buttons to add or remove fields to be registered for the run control date update task.

Note: System data of registered run control fields cannot be edited.

Once done, Click Save on the Run Control Update Registry Page to register the Run Control.

Click the Notify Button to notify selected users about the registration.

Page Name

Definition Name


Run Control Date Update Page


View existing Run Control Date Update tasks and take actions on them.

Create A Task Page


Define Run Control Date Update task.

Select Run Controls Page


Add Run Controls to the Date Update task.

Define New Values Page


Update dates on the Run Control Date Update task.

Use the Run Control Date update page (EORC_TASKMAIN_FL) to view the existing list of Run Control Date Update tasks or to create, edit and manage an existing task.

Image: Run Control Date Update Page

Run Control Date Update Page.

Run Control Date Update page

Field or Control


Add button

Click the Add button to add a new Run Control Date Update task.

Filter button

Click the filter button to filter the existing task list.

Download as spreadsheet

Click spreadsheet button to download the task list to a spreadsheet.


Click search to search for a particular text in the task list.

Sort button

Click the sort button to sort the list based on any of the existing columns.

Task ID

List of Task IDs that are available.


Task Description

Run Control List

Run Controls that are associated with the Task ID.

Task Status

Status of the task.

Date Time updated

Last updated date and time of the task.

Process Details

The processing details of the task.

Update Target Field Values

This link delivers a pop-up page where the run control dates for the task can be updated.

Image: Update Target Field Values

Update Target Field Values

Update Target Field Values

Field or Control



Copy an existing Task ID to create a new task.


Submit the task for processing.

Use the Create A task page (EORC_UPD_STEP1_FL) to create a new Run Control Date Update task.

Image: Create A task page

Create A task page

Create A Task page

Field or Control


Task ID

Enter a unique name for your task. Task ID should not contain spaces.


Enter a short user-friendly description for the task.

Select Run Control IDs

Select all the Run Control IDs that needsto be grouped under this task. Use the + and – buttons to add more Run Control IDs or to remove any Run Control IDs. Only those run controls that were registered through the Run Control Update registry page will be available here.

Save For Later

Save the task as draft. The user can revisit the Run Control Date Update Task page to access this task later and continue with the creation of the task

Click the Next button to proceed to the next page in the activity guide.

Use the Select Run Controls page (EORC_UPD_STEP2_FL) to update the Run Control components.

Image: Select Run Controls page

Select Run Controls page

Select Run Controls page

Field or Control


Select All

Select all the components for the update task.

Deselect All

Deselect all the components for the update task.


Select the required components from the list for the update task.

Save For Later

Save the task as draft.

Click the Next button to proceed to the next page in the activity guide. Click Previous to go to the previous step in the activity guide.

Use the Define New values page (EORC_UPD_STEP3_FL) to define the new run control dates for the task.

Image: Define New values page

Define New values page

Define New Values page

Field or Control


Fiscal Year

Choose from all Fiscal Year values available in the system.

From Year

Choose all Fiscal Year values available in the system.

To Year

Choose from all Fiscal Year values available in the system.

From Period

Choose from all periods in the current fiscal year.

To Period

Choose from all periods in the current fiscal year.

As Of Date

Choose the date on which the run controls associated with the task should run. As Of Date has the values Add Days and Absolute Value. Select Add Days to specify the number of days from which the run control needs to run from the current set date. Choose Absolute Value to run the run controls on a specific date.

From Date

Choose the From date for the run control period .

To Date

Choose the To date for the run control period.

Tree Effective Date

Choose the tree Effective Date.

Process Frequency

Choose the process frequency.

Save for Later

Save the changes as draft.

Use the Submit button to submit the task for processing.