Viewing All Discussions

This section details the pages used to view discussions.

Page Name

Definition Name


Discussions Tile


To view all discussions.

Discussions Page


To access a list of discussion types which are having active discussions.

Use the Discussion tile (EOFD_DSCN_LIST_FL_GBL) to view all the discussions.

Note: Discussion Tile is not available on the homepage by default. It can be added using Personalize Homepage option.

Image: Discussions Tile

Discussions Tile

Discussions Tile

The tile displays the cumulative count of Unread and Active discussions from all the nodes.

Click the tile to access the aggregated discussion list.

Use the Discussion page (EOFD_MAIN_LIST_FL) to access a list of discussion types which are having active discussions.

Image: Discussions page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Discussions page.

Discussions page

Only top fifty discussions are displayed on selection of any discussion type. To view all the discussions, click the View More link.

Note: By Default, β€˜All’ is selected and the list of all discussions, of all discussion types, from all the nodes is displayed. Discussion Type description is followed by Unread Messages count.

Click on a discussion to open up the conversation window corresponding to the selected discussion.

Image: Discussion Conversation page

Discussion Conversation page

Discussion Conversation page

You can enter your comments and attach supporting documents in this page.

Click Send to add your comments.

Actions on Discussions Page

In Discussions page, you can perform three actions on any discussions.

  • Details

  • View Attachements

  • Notification Preferences

Click on the Related Action item. You can view the actions on Discussions page as shown.

Image: Discussions – Actions Page

Discussions – Actions Page

Discussions Actions Page

Details Option

Use this option to access Discussion Details page which is used to update the discussion details and add or remove participants. Default Discussion grants full access to the creator of the discussion.

Image: Discussion Details Page

Discussion Details Page

Discussion Details Page.

View Attachments Option

Use this action to access Discussion Attachments page which can be used to view all the attachments posted in the Discussion Conversation.

Image: Discussion Attachments Page

Discussion Attachments Page

Discussion Attachments Page

Notification Preferences Page

Use this action to access User Notification Preferences page which can be used to enable or disable notifications for the current discussion.

Image: User Notification Preferences Page

User Notification Preferences Page

User Notification Preferences Page