Entering Calendar Override Instructions for a Payee

Page Name

Definition Name


Payee Calendar Groups Page


Select the calendars for which to enter special processing instructions for a payee.

Segment Details Page


Create period segments for a payee and identify which segments to process.

You can create additional segments for a payee and calendar and enter processing instructions for a specific segment.

Suppose that in March, you issue advance pay to someone who's taking vacation from April 1 to 15. Because the payee is to receive half of April's pay in March, you're paying only the salary for April 16−30 in April. You can use the Payee Calendar Groups page to accomplish this.

You create a calendar group that includes March and April. To issue the absence advance pay in March, you use the Payee Calendar Groups page for March to indicate that the payee is to be paid for both the March calendar and April 1−15. For April, you use the April calendar group but this time indicate that the payee is being paid for April 16−30 only.

You can specify which effective-dated rules the system applies when processing a calendar segment and which period's accumulators it updates. For example, when paying the April amount in March, you can instruct the system to apply the earning rules that are in effect in March and update the accumulators for March. Or you can instruct the system to use the rules that will be in effect in April.

Note: As an alternative to using calendar overrides to process an absence advance payment, you can enter instructions for an advance using the Off Cycle On Demand component (GP_ONDEMAND) and run an off-cycle payroll.

Use the Payee Calendar Groups page (GP_PYE_RUN) to select the calendars for which to enter special processing instructions for a payee.

Image: Payee Calendar Groups page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Payee Calendar Groups page.

Payee Calendar Groups page

Field or Control


Processing Begin Date, Processing End Date, and Payment Date

Enter processing begin and end dates, and a payment date. These fields apply to processing effective-dated elements whose definition as of date (defined on the Element Name page) is set to Process Begin Date, Process End Date, or Payment Date.

The dates determine which effective-dated rules (element definitions) to use for these elements and which period's accumulators to update for the elements.

Say that the definition as of date for an entitlement element is set to Process End Date. When the system encounters the element during the batch process, it retrieves the element definition that was in effect on the date entered in the Processing End Date field.

The system also updates the accumulators for the period in which the processing begin date or the processing end date falls.

Override Entire Calendar Run

Select to have the system process only calendars or segments that you designate for processing in the Calendars to Process group box or on the Segment Details page.

If you do not select this check box, the system processes the calendars that you want to override (those listed in the Calendars to Process group box), plus any other calendars that are included in the calendar group.

Calendars to Process

In this group box, select the calendars for which you want to specify special processing instructions for the payee.

Field or Control



Enter a number that determines the calendar processing order.

Pay Group

Enter the pay group that's associated with the calendar to be overridden.

Calendar ID

Enter the calendar to override.

Process Option

Applies only if the Override Entire Calendar Run check box is not selected (that is, you are overriding selected calendars only). Select the process option to determine whether the system is to process the calendars that have override instructions before or after all other calendars in the calendar group. Values are: Before Standard Calendars, After Standard Calendars, and Not Applicable.

Segment Details

Click this link to access the Segment Details page.

Use the Segment Details page (GP_PYE_RUN_SEC) to create period segments for a payee and identify which segments to process.

Field or Control


Segment Begin Date and Segment End Date

Enter the dates to process in the calendar period and the dates not to process.

Provide instructions for the entire calendar period.

Note: To have the system calculate absence for part of a calendar period, you must create one or more period segmentation triggers for the payee. The trigger effective date must correspond to the dates that you enter on the Segment Details page. For example, to process absence for February 1 to 9, but not for the rest of the month, define a segmentation trigger for February 10.