Adjusting the FSA Carryover Amount

This topic describes how to adjust the FSA carryover amount.

The FSA carryover amount will have to be adjusted in the following scenarios:

  • For Base Benefits customers who do not use FSA Administration but want to keep a record of the carryover amount.

  • During the first year of an employee using FSA Administration and has a carryover amount being brought in from a third party system.

  • An employee needs to transfer a carryover amount from a different plan.

  • For claim adjustment for history FSA Plan Years which affects the carryover amount.

Page Name

Definition Name


FSA Carryover Adjustment Page


Adjust the FSA carryover amount.

Use the FSA Carryover Adjustment page to adjust FSA carryover amount.

Image: FSA Carryover Adjustment page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FSA Carryover Adjustment page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

FSA Carryover Adjustment page

Field or Control


Adjustment to Carryover Amount

Enter the FSA carryover adjustment amount.

Balance after Adjustment

View the adjusted carryover balance.

Note: FSA carryover adjustment can be done only for the earliest open plan year. The adjusted current carryover balance will be displayed on the Year-to-Date Activity page of the earliest open plan year in the Carryover Balance field, and on the Year-to-Date Activity page of the following year under the Carryover Amount from Prior Year field.