Setting Up the Other Source Data Merge Process

There are cases where not all data required to complete Forms 1094-C and 1095-C exists in the PeopleSoft system. Some customers may use third-party providers to process retirees, union employees, or COBRA recipients. Form data from external systems can be uploaded using the Excel-CI Load. The Data Merge Process merges data loaded from other sources with PeopleSoft extracted data in order to complete the ACA-required employee forms and transmittal.

Page Name

Definition Name


Merge Other Data Sources Page


To merge other source data to the ACA employee transmittal data.

Review Merged Messages Page


To view online the error messages generated during the merge process.

Review Merged Transmittal Data Page


To review the merged ACA employee transmittal data and the original CI loaded data for verification.

Use the Merge Other ACA Data Sources page (ACA_DTMRG_RUNCTL) to merge other source data to the ACA employee transmittal data.

Note: Data Extract Process must be first run to generate the base data for the merge, before running the Merge Process.Only data that is not already transmitted can be merged.

Image: Merge Other Data Sources Page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Merge Other Data Sources page.

Merge Other Data Sources Page

Field or Control


Data Extract ID

Enter the Data Extract ID that defines the data to be merged.

Applicable Large Employer

Select the ALE Member for the data to be merged.

Calendar Year

The calendar year for which data is being reported.

Processing Options

The options available are:

  • Merge Data – Merge the CI loaded data to the employee extracted transmittal data for Forms 1095-C.

  • Remove Merged Data – Select this option to delete all merged data which has the process status “Data Merged”.

Use the Review Merged Messages page (ACA_MESSAGES) to view online the error messages generated during the merge process. You can correct these errors and rerun the merge process.

Image: Review Merged Messages page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Review Merged Messages page.

Review Merged Messages page

Use the Review Merged Transmittal Data page (ACA_EMP_MO_CH4_MRG) to review the merged ACA employee transmittal data and the original CI loaded data for verification. The ACA Employee Transmittal Data grid will show the merged data and the ACA Employee Other Source Data grid will show the original loaded data.

If data is not merged as expected, run Merge Other Data Sources with Process Option ‘Remove Merged Data’, correct the data from the CI load and then run again with process option ‘Merge Data’.

Image: Review Merged Transmittal Data page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Review Merged Transmittal Data page.

Review Merged Transmittal Data page