Approving Training Requests

Page Name

Definition Name


Approve Training Request Page


Managers view a list of employees that require training approval.

Approve Transaction Page


Managers approve or deny each employee's training request and enter comments.

Save Confirmation Page


Managers approve or deny the request.

Administer Training Request Page


Training administrators use this page to approve or deny training requests. In the Administrator Actions group box, the administrator has three options:

To approve the training request and allow the system to automatically enroll or add the employee to the waiting list for the selected course session.

To approve the training request, without the automatic update. If the training administrator selects this option, the system does not enroll the employee. The training administrator must do this manually.

To deny the training request.

When employees and managers submit training requests, the requests may require one or both of the following before the employee is enrolled in, or added to the waiting list for, a course session:

  • Manager approval.

    Managers approve training requests for their employees using the Approve Training Request self-service transaction.

  • Processing by the training administrator.

    Training administrators use the Administer Request page (Enterprise Learning > Approve Training Request) to approve the training request. Depending on the option selected on the Administer Request page, the training administrator may also need to manually enroll the employee in the session.

You configure training request processing on the Self Service Workflow Configurations page (Set Up HCM > Common Definitions > Self Service > Workflow Configuration > Self Service Workflow Configurations).

The training request self-service transactions are:

  • Training Enrollment.

  • Training Enrollment by Manager.

The check boxes Approval Process? and Allow DB Update on the Self Service Workflow Configurations page affect the way that the training requests are processed. This table describes the training request processing for the different configurations:

Approval Process?

Allow DB Update

Manager Approval

Training Administrator Approval


Not Selected



Not Selected

Not Selected

Not required






Not Selected


Not required

Not required