Viewing and Updating Job Profiles

Page Name

Definition Name


Select Profile Page


Lists the profiles that are associated with the employee's job. Employees select the job profile that they want to view or use in the search and compare.

This page is only displayed if there are two or more active job profiles related to the employee. If there is only one active job profile, this page is not displayed. The system determines which job profiles are related to an employee by searching the employee's job data record. If the employee has multiple jobs, the system checks all the person's active jobs for matching profiles.

Select a Profile Page

Add Profiles Page

Add Profiles for a team member Page


Employees and managers search for a job profile by either selecting a profile type or entering a profile name. They can view job profiles that are defined as end profiles. This is defined in the profile type definition on the Profile Type - Attributes page. From the list of profiles, employees and managers click the profile name to view the profile details.

Managers can create a new profile by clicking the Add a Profile link on this page through the Maintain Job Profiles component. This link is not available to employees.

Maintain Job Profiles Page


Managers select the profile type for the new profile. The system then displays the content sections that are set up for the selected profile type.

The system displays only those content sections that are authorized for the manager role in the profile type definition. Managers can also use this page to create and edit job profiles. If the manager clicks the Edit icon for the item, the system opens up the Update <content type> page and makes the fields available for edit. Managers can only update content sections to which they have update access, as defined on the Content Section page in the profile type definition.

My Job Profiles Page


Displays the job profile that the employee selected.

The system displays only those content sections that are authorized for the employee role in the profile type definition.

View Job Profiles Page


Displays the job profile that the employee selected.

The system displays only those content sections that are authorized for the employee role in the profile type definition.

View <content type> Page

Add New <content type> Page

Update <content type> Page


Displays the details of a profile item. The fields on this page vary according to the content type of the item. Managers can update this information. Changes that require approval are submitted for approval processing when the manager clicks the Submit button on the Job Profiles - Summary of Changes page.

Content Item Details Page


View details about a specific content item.

Rating Model Page


Displays the rating model details of the selected profile item. When accessing the page from the update or add new pages, the you can modify the rating as well.

Related Items Page


Displays details of the selected profile item that is related to the profile item.

Add New Profile Identity Page

Update Profile Identity Page


Add or edit profile identities associated with the profile.

Summary of Changes Page


Lists the changes that the manager has made to the job profile that require approval. The manager clicks the Submit button next to the Items awaiting submission link to submit the changes for approval or click Cancel to return to the Maintain Job Profiles page. The Cancel button will retain the changed items with a Saved status.