Viewing Approval Status

This topic discusses how to view approval status.

Page Name

Definition Name


View Approval Status Summary Page


View a list of documents for which you are a participant in the approval process.

View Approval Status Detail Page


View approval status of a single document.

Use the View Approval Status Summary page (EP_APPRAISL_APPR_L) to view a list of documents for which you are a participant in the approval process.

Image: View Approval Status Summary page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the View Approval Status Summary page.

View Approval Status Summary page

Field or Control



Click the link of the employee name to view the detail of the corresponding transaction request.

Use the View Approval Status Detail page (EP_APPRAISAL_EE) to view approval status of a single document.

Image: View Approval Status Detail page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the View Approval Status Detail page.

View Approval Status Detail page

Field or Control


Performance Document Details

Click to view the corresponding performance document content in a modal window.

Evaluation Approval Chain

Displays the approval chain for the document. This control appears if the document has been approved.

Approval Summary

Click to return to the View Approval Status Summary page.