Displaying the Talent Summary Page and Pagelets

These topics discuss how to display the Talent Summary page and pagelets.

Page Name

Definition Name


Talent Summary - Employee Selection Criteria Page


Select a direct or indirect report from this page to view the employee’s talent summary data.

Talent Summary Page


View the Talent Summary pagelet content by selecting or deselecting pagelets that should appear on your Talent Summary page.

Personalize Content: Talent Summary Page


Define the Talent Summary pagelet content by selecting or deselecting pagelets that should appear on your Talent Summary page.

Standard PeopleSoft role-based security ensures that managers can access only the pagelets appropriate to their roles.

The Talent Summary page delivers two performance history pagelets: a graphical view of performance history and a table view of performance history.

The pagelets available on the Personalize Content page are based on permission lists. If a user does not have access to a permission list, for example, if the Manager Dashboards - JPM (HCCPJP2200) permission list is removed from the Manager Dashboard role, the profile based pagelets may not be listed for selection from the Personalize content page.

The Personalize Content: Talent Summary works like the Personalize Content: Manager Dashboard Page.

Personalize Layout: Talent Summary Page


Define the Talent Summary pagelet layout by selecting either a 2- or 3-column layout style you wish to display on your Talent Summary page. Identify the pagelets that should appear in each column by moving pagelets from one column to the next. The columns list only those pagelets you have selected on your Personalize Content: Talent Summary page.

The Talent Summary page is optimized using the 3-column layout.

The Personalize Layout: Talent Summary works like the Personalize Layout: Manager Dashboard Page.

Use the Talent Summary - Employee Selection Criteria page (HR_DR_DIRECTREPORT) to select a direct or indirect report from this page to view the employee’s talent summary data.

Image: Talent Summary - Employee Selection Criteria page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Talent Summary - Employee Selection Criteria page . You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Talent Summary - Employee Selection Criteria page

View information about your direct and indirect reports. As a higher level manager, you will see your employees in a hierarchical list, or hierarchal grid (Hgrid) format. This enables you to expand or collapse the list to view or hide the indirect reports that report to your direct report managers.

Field or Control


As Of Date

Displays the current date, which dictates the reporting structure that appears in the employee list as of this date.

Find Employee

The Find Employee link above the header grid enables you to select from the same list of direct and indirect reports as if you expanded all nodes.

To search within your direct reports organization, click the Find Employee link. Enter criteria on the Find Employee page (HRDR_SRCH_EMPS_SEC), and then click Search. Select an employee to open in the transaction.

The Find Employee link appears only when the transaction applies to individuals. It does not appear for transactions where you select groups of individuals until you get to the point where you select individuals in that group.

Note: The Direct Reports UI setup determines which employees are available for selection and which fields appear on the <Application Context> - Employee Selection Criteria page. See Configuring Direct Reports Functionality.

HR Status

The HR Status field appears on the Employee Selection Criteria page only if the Allow Indirect Reports check box is selected on the Direct Report Transaction Configuration page.

Inactive employees can have active employees reporting to them directly or indirectly.


Click this button to open the Talent Summary page for this person.

The Select button may display inactive for these reasons:

  • You do not have access to an individual in the Direct Reports setup but you have access to their direct reports.

  • The employee’s status is inactive. Having the grid display the inactive person enables you to access employees under the inactive person who have not yet been reassigned to a new manager.

  • The row reflects a position instead of an employee.

Expand (Expand) or Collapse (Collapse)

Click these buttons to expand or collapse the hierarchal grid to view or hide your indirect reports (the direct reports of your subordinates).

Use the Talent Summary page (HC_TALENT_SUMMARY) to view the Talent Summary pagelet content by selecting or deselecting pagelets that should appear on your Talent Summary page.

Image: Talent Summary page header

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Talent Summary page header. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Example of the Talent Summary header

The fields in the header are defined by the administrator and may vary from what is shown here.

Field or Control


Additional Jobs icon (Additional Jobs icon)

Displays the Additional Jobs icon next to the employee’s name when an employee holds multiple jobs within the organization. Pause over the icon to see the name of the other job or jobs held by this person.

Key Person icon (Key Person icon)

Displays the Key Person icon next to the employee’s name to indicate that this employee has been identified as a vital, or key, employee within the organization for succession planning.


Click this menu drop down list to select manager self service actions to perform for your employees. The system will direct you to the appropriate manager self service page.

PeopleSoft delivers the various self service transactions to work in conjunction with the Talent Summary page that enables managers to view or manage employee information in the PeopleSoft database, as they would from the manager self service pages.

For a list of self service actions available from the Talent Summary page, see Understanding Related Actions and Self Service Transactions.

Instant Message Active icon (IM icon)

Displays the IM icon, if enabled. Pause over the icon to see the employee’s chat ID. Click the ID to open the chat window. The page uses the following conditions to determine if it should display the IM icon:

  1. The employee has defined an instant messaging ID in HR.

  2. The Instant Message Presence Icon is selected for direct line reports in the Org Chart Viewer.

  3. The employee’s IM protocol and IM domain matches the protocol and domain for the direct line reports in the Org Chart Viewer.

Select Another Employee, Return To Manager Dashboard, or Return to Org Chart Viewer

Click this link to return to the page from which you accessed the Talent Summary page.

Personalize Content

Click this link above the header to open the Personalize Content: Talent Summary page and select or deselect pagelets you want to view on your Talent Summary page.

Personalize Layout

Click this link above the header to open the Personalize Layout: Talent Summary page to define the column layout of your Talent Summary page.

Viewing IM Icons in the Header

Different IM icons will be displayed based on the following:

Field or Control


Instant Message Active icon

Indicates the employee is available on the IM Protocol specified.

Instant Message Inactive icon

Indicates the employee is either not available on the IM Protocol specified or the employee does not have an account on that IM Protocol.

Instant Message error icon

Indicates there is an error connecting to the IM Protocol.