Understanding ePay Transactions for Global Payroll

These ePay transactions are relevant to organizations that use PeopleSoft Global Payroll:

  • Personal Bank Accounts (GP_SS_EE_BANK).

    Employees can enter and maintain their personal bank account information.

  • Pay Distribution Instructions (GP_SS_EE_NPD).

    Employees can define their net pay distribution requirements.

  • Banking (GPSC_BANK_ADD_FL)

    Employees can review, edit, and add bank account and payment distribution information using the PeopleSoft Fluid user interface.

  • View Payslip (GP_SS_EE_PSLP).

    Employees can review paycheck information for earnings, taxes, deductions, and net pay distribution.

  • Payslips (GP_SS_EE_PSLP_FLU)

    Employees can view payslips using the PeopleSoft Fluid user interface.

  • (GBR) View Payslip GBR (GPGB_PSLIP_SS_PNLG).

    Employees can review payslips (PeopleSoft Global for the United Kingdom only).

  • (JPN) Year-End Adjustment (YEA) Data (GPJP_YEA_SSERVICE).

    Employees can update their year-end adjustment data for YEA calculations (PeopleSoft Global Payroll for Japan only).