Year End Accessibility for Self Service Users

This topic provides an overview of the accessibility feature enabled for year end tax forms (USA).

Note: Currently this feature is enabled for Forms W-2, W-2c, W-2AS, W-2GU, W-2VI, W-2cAS, W-2cGU and W-2cVI.

Page Name

Definition Name


Year End Accessibility Setup Page


In the Self Service accessibility page for Year End Forms (USA), the following configurations are delivered by Payroll for North America:

  • Map the valid boxes with the corresponding XML tag

  • Define the display/processing logic

  • Define override description

In accessibility mode, the system displays the selected tax forms on a PeopleSoft page. This feature is available only if the corresponding year end accessibility set up is defined for the selected year using the Year End Accessibility Setup page.

You can also view and print the year-end forms in PDF format in addition to the online page. For example, to view the W-2 or W-2c forms in pdf format use the Printable W-2 or Printable W-2c button.

Note: Accessibility set up is available from the year 2012 onwards.

In the Self Service accessibility page for Year End Forms (USA), the following configurations are delivered by Payroll for North America:

  • Map the valid boxes and codes with the corresponding XML tag from the corresponding Taxform Definition

  • Define the display/processing logic

  • Define override description

Note: Oracle recommends that you modify only the override description and form instructions.

Image: Year End Accessibility Setup Page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Year End Accessibility Setup Page for W-2. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Year End Accessibility Setup Page

Field or Control


Taxform Identification

Displays the selected tax form. Here, for example we have selected W-2.


Based on the selected tax form and year, system populates the corresponding Box/Codes from the Tax Form Definitions Page along with the description.


The description defined for the corresponding Box/Code in the Tax Form Definitions Page is automatically populated here.

Note: In accessibility mode it is important to give a proper description to the Box/Code for the screen reader to interpret. If you need to override the delivered description, use the Override Description field to enter an alternate or new description.

Override Description

Enter the description to be displayed in the View Year End Form page (accessibility mode). If this field is left blank, the default description will be displayed.


XML File ID is the mapping between the Box/Code and the XML tag in the XMLP template for the corresponding Taxform Definition.

Box Value Indicator

This field indicates the mapping of the Box/Code to the corresponding section in View Year End Form page (accessibility mode).

The options listed below are applicable to W-2, W-2AS, W-2GU and W-2VI forms.

  • Employee Details: This option is used to map the Box/Code to the Employee Details section.

  • Employer Details: This option is used to map the Box/Code to the Employer Details section. This section specifies the address, company name and details about the employer.

  • Form Details: This option is used to map the Box/Code to the Form Details section. This section specifies information specific to the tax form.

The options listed below are applicable to W-2c, W-2cAS, W-2cGU and W-2cVI forms.

  • Employee Correction: This option is used to map the Box/Code to the Corrected Employee Information section. This section specifies the previously reported and corrected employee information.

  • Federal: This option is used to map the Box/Code to the Corrected Federal Information section. This section specifies the previously reported and corrected information.

  • Local: This option is used to map the Box/Code to the Corrected Local information section (For example: Locality Wages, Locality Name and Locality Tax). This section specifies the previously reported and corrected information.

  • State: This option is used to map the Box/Code to Corrected State information( For example: State Wages and State Income Tax.). This section specifies the previously reported and corrected information.

In the View Year End Form page (accessibility mode), the Box/Code details will be displayed in each section based on this mapping.

Processing Indicator

This field indicates the processing type for each Box/Code. Available options are:

  • Correction: This process indicator is used to append box values together. Currently this is used along with the Box indicator "Employee Correction", where we append the Employee’s first name, last name and suffix together.

    Note: Currently this process indicator is applicable only to W-2c, W-2cAS, W-2cGU and W-2cVI forms.

  • Normal: This is the default behavior when one to one mapping of the XML ID is available.

  • Other: If the Box/Code description and value is in the same XML tag, then the Processing Indicator will be ‘Other’. Currently this is applicable for Box 14.

    Note: In the Self Service accessibility page, Box 14 does not display long descriptions. It displays Box/Code values only.

  • Overflow: For single Box/Code if XML is having two fields, one for label and another for value, processing indicator will be overflow. System will be identifying first tag value as box code and second tag value as the corresponding value. Currently this is applicable for Box 12.

Note: By default, normal processing is followed if this field is left blank.

Template View

In the View Year End Form page (accessibility mode), only the Box/Code with form values will be displayed by default.

If Template View is selected for a Box/Code, on selecting ‘View All Boxes’ option in the View Form Page, Box/Code details will be populated even if form value is not present.

Form Instructions

Form Instructions defined in Year End Accessibility Setup Page is displayed as accessibility instructions in the View Form page (accessibility mode). This is the standard accessibility instructions PeopleSoft delivers. If required, the user can modify the instructions.

Click the Form Instructions link in the Year End Accessibility page to view or update the accessibility instructions.

Image: Accessibility Instructions Page

This example illustrates the Accessibility Instructions.

Accessibility Instructions page

Filing Instructions

Filing instructions are managed through message catalogs. Click the Filing Instructions link in the Year End Accessibility page to view the filing instructions.

Image: Filing Instructions

This example illustrates the Filing Instructions.

Filing Instructions

Year End Accessibility Setup Page for W-2c

Select W-2c in the Tax Form Identification field to setup Self-Service accessibility mapping for corrected W-2 Forms. This setup of W-2c also handles accessibility mapping for W-2c territories like W-2AS, W-2GU and W-2VI.

Image: Year End Accessibility Setup Page for W-2c

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Year End Accessibility Setup Page for W-2c. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Year End Accessibility for W2c

Field or Control


Taxform Identification

Displays the selected tax form. Here, we have selected W-2c.


Based on the selected tax form and year, system populates the corresponding Box/Codes from the Tax Form Definitions Page along with the description.


The description defined for the corresponding Box/Code in the Tax Form Definitions Page is automatically populated here.

Note: In accessibility mode it is important to give a proper description to the Box/Code for the screen reader to interpret. If you need to override the delivered description, use the Override Description field to enter an alternate or new description.

Override Description

Enter the description to be displayed in the View Year End Form page (accessibility mode). If this field is left blank, the default description will be displayed.


XML File ID is the mapping between the Box/Code and the XML tag in the XMLP template for the corresponding Taxform Definition.

Previous XML Node ID

Displays the XML File ID before correction.

Box Value Indicator

This field indicates the mapping of the Box/Code to the corresponding section in View Year End Form page (accessibility mode).

The options listed below are applicable to W-2c, W-2cAS, W-2cGU and W-2cVI forms.

  • Employee Correction: This option is used to map the Box/Code to the Corrected Employee Information section. This section specifies the previously reported and corrected employee information.

  • Federal: This option is used to map the Box/Code to the Corrected Federal Information section. This section specifies the previously reported and corrected information.

  • Local: This option is used to map the Box/Code to the Corrected Local information section (For example: Locality Wages, Locality Name and Locality Tax). This section specifies the previously reported and corrected information.

  • State: This option is used to map the Box/Code to Corrected State information( For example: State Wages and State Income Tax.). This section specifies the previously reported and corrected information.

The options listed below are applicable to W-2, W-2AS, W-2GU and W-2VI forms.

  • Employee Details: This option is used to map the Box/Code to the Employee Details section.

  • Employer Details: This option is used to map the Box/Code to the Employer Details section. This section specifies the address, company name and details about the employer.

  • Form Details: This option is used to map the Box/Code to the Form Details section. This section specifies information specific to the tax form.

In the View Year End Form page (accessibility mode), the Box/Code details will be displayed in each section based on this mapping.

Processing Indicator

This field indicates the processing type for each Box/Code. Available options are:

  • Correction: This process indicator is used to append box values together. Currently this is used along with the Box indicator "Employee Correction", where we append the Employee’s first name, last name and suffix together.

    Note: Currently this process indicator is applicable only to W-2c, W-2cAS, W-2cGU and W-2cVI forms.

  • Normal: This is the default behavior when one to one mapping of the XML ID is available.

  • Other: If the Box/Code description and value is in the same XML tag, then the Processing Indicator will be ‘Other’. Currently this is applicable for Box 14.

    Note: In the Self Service accessibility page, Box 14 does not display long descriptions. It displays Box/Code values only.

  • Overflow: For single Box/Code if XML is having two fields, one for label and another for value, processing indicator will be overflow. System will be identifying first tag value as box code and second tag value as the corresponding value. Currently this is applicable for Box 12.

Note: By default, normal processing is followed if this field is left blank.

Template View

In the View Year End Form page (accessibility mode), only the Box/Code with form values will be displayed by default.

If Template View is selected for a Box/Code, on selecting ‘View All Boxes’ option in View Form Page, Box/Code details will be populated even if form value is not present.

Form Instructions

Form Instructions defined in Year End Accessibility Setup Page is displayed as accessibility instructions in the View Form page (accessibility mode). This is the standard accessibility instructions PeopleSoft delivers. If required, user can modify the instructions.

Click the Form Instructions link in the Year End Accessibility page to view or update the accessibility instructions.

Filing Instructions for W-2c

Filing instructions are managed through message catalogs. Click the Filing Instructions link in the Year End Accessibility page to view the filing instructions.

Image: Filing Instructions for W-2c

This example illustrates the Filing Instructions for W-2c.

Filing Instructions for W-2c

Use View W-2/W-2c Forms Page in accessibility mode to view the selected tax forms on a PeopleSoft page (and not in a PDF file).

Note: This feature is available only if the corresponding year end accessibility set up is defined for the selected year. For more information, see Year End Accessibility Setup Page

If required, you can also view the year-end form in pdf format.

Image: View W-2/W-2c Forms Page in Accessibility Mode

This example illustrates the View W-2/W-2c Forms Page in Accessibility Mode.

View W-2/W-2c Forms page in Accessibility Mode

The View W-2/W-2c Forms page displays View Details button for employees with multiple forms.

Image: View W-2/W-2c Forms Page in Accessibility Mode for employees with multiple forms

This example illustrates the View W-2/W-2c Forms Page in Accessibility Mode for employees with multiple forms.

View W-2/W-2c Forms Page in Accessibility Mode_Details button

Select the View Details button corresponding to W-2 tax form to open the View W-2 Details page.

Image: View W-2 Details Page

In this example, the employee has two W-2s. One for New Jersey and one for Pennsylvania.

View W-2 Details

Click View button to open the W-2 form in accessibility mode.

Image: (Smartphone) View W-2 Form Page in accessibility mode

This example illustrates the View W-2 Form Page in accessibility mode for the smartphone.

View W-2 Form Page in accessibility mode_SFF

Image: (Desktop) View W-2 Form Page in accessibility mode

This example illustrates the View W-2 Form page in accessibility mode for the desktop.

View W-2 Form in Accessibility Mode

In the View W-2/W-2c Forms Page, select the View Details button corresponding to W-2c tax form to open the View W-2c Details page.

Image: View W-2c Details Page

In this example, the employee has four W-2c that were processed on various days.

View W-2c Details

Click View button to open the W-2c form in accessibility mode.

Image: View W-2c Form Page in Accessibility Mode

This example illustrates the View W-2c Form page in accessibility mode.

View W-2c Form Page in Accessibility Mode

This page is displayed based on the configuration defined in the Year End Accessibility Setup Page

Field or Control


View All Boxes

Select this push button to show all the Box/Code which are selected as Template View in the Year End Accessibility page.

Note: If this push button is not selected only the Box/Code with form values will be displayed by default.

Printable W-2/ Printable W-2c

Click this button to view the PDF file.