Deleting Applicants

This topic describes how to delete applicants.

Page Name

Definition Name


Applicant ID Delete Control Page


Identify tables where applicant data will not be deleted.

Applicant ID Delete Page


Select applicant to be deleted and run the Applicant ID Delete process.

Applicant ID Delete Log Page


Review the data that was deleted for a specific applicant ID.

Use the Applicant ID Delete (HRS_APP_DEL) Application Engine process to delete data for specific applicant IDs that you specify.

Permission List and Roles

Access to the applicant delete process is available based on the following roles and permission list:

Process Type

Permission List

Delivered Roles With This Permission List

Applicant ID Delete


No role is delivered by Oracle with this permission list. You can add this permission list to any role as per your organization's requirement.

Deleted Data

The Applicant ID Delete process performs these actions:

  • For tables that have HRS_PERSON_ID as the key, the process deletes the relevant rows of data.

  • For the correspondence, applicant attachment, and offer tables, the process deletes the data related to the applicant that you specify.

    The HRS_PERSON_ID is neither a key or a foreign key for these types of applicant-related data, so the deletion process includes extra logic to ensure that data for the specified applicant(s) is deleted.

  • For tables that have HRS_PERSON_ID as a foreign key, the process updates the HRS_PERSON_ID value to 0 (zero).

    For example, the HRS_PERSON_ID field is zeroed out in the Manage Hires tables in PeopleSoft Human Resources.

Excluding Records from the Deletion Process

The Applicant ID Delete Control Page enables administrators to specify records to be excluded from the deletion process.

When a user runs the process, the Applicant ID Delete Page includes a Skip Record Exclusion Check option. When this option is selected, the record exclusion settings are ignored and all applicant data is deleted.

Oracle delivers two roles related to the option to exclude records from the deletion process:

  • Users with the ID Delete Administrator role can edit the exclude records list on the Applicant ID Delete Control page.  For other users, this page is display only.

  • Users with the ID Delete User role can select the option to Skip Record Exclusion Check on the Applicant ID Delete run control page. For other users, this option is disabled.


The Applicant ID Deletion process has the following limitations:

  • File attachments that are stored outside of the PeopleSoft database (for example, on an FTP server) are not deleted.

  • If you have customized the system, or if you have sent applicant data to third-parties, you are responsible for managing the deletion of the relevant data.

Use the Applicant ID Delete Control page (HRS_APP_EXC_REC) to identify tables where applicant data will not be deleted.

Note: As delivered, only users with the role ID Delete Administrator can modify this page.

Image: Applicant ID Delete Control page

This example illustrates the Applicant ID Delete Control page.

Applicant ID Delete Control page

Field or Control



Select Equal to exclude the specific record that you specify..

Select Like to exclude records with record names like the string that you specify.

Record Name

Enter the name of the record to be excluded from the deletion process.

Important! Users with the ID Delete User role can choose whether to check for excluded records when running the Applicant ID Delete process. If a user chooses not to check, then all applicant data is deleted regardless of your exclusion rules.

Use the Applicant ID Delete page (HRS_APP_ID_DELETE) to select applicant to be deleted and run the applicant delete process.

Image: Applicant ID Delete page

This example illustrates the Applicant ID Delete page.

Applicant ID Delete page

Field or Control



Click the Run button to access the Process Scheduler Request page, where you can run or schedule the Applicant ID Delete process. Before the Process Schedule Request page appears, the system displays a warning that the deletion process is irreversible.

Control Parameters

Field or Control


Skip Record Exclusion Check

Select this check box to ignore the Exclude Records settings on the Applicant ID Delete Control Page.

This check box is deselected by default. With this default setting, the deletion process does not affect tables that the process is configured to exclude.

When you select this check box, all applicant data is deleted.

Note: Only users with the role ID Delete User can modify this setting.

Applicant IDs

Field or Control


<sequence number>

If you enter multiple applicant IDs in the grid, the Applicant ID Delete process runs through each applicant in sequence. The sequence number matches the process sequence number that appears on the Applicant ID Delete Log Page .

Applicant ID

Enter the applicant ID for the applicant to be deleted. The system populates the other columns in the grid with the applicant’s name, address, and email address. This read-only information helps you verify that you’ve entered the correct applicant ID.

After you run the deletion process, all applicant data (including the applicant ID) is cleared from the grid.

Use the Applicant ID Delete Log page (HRS_APP_ID_DEL_LOG) to review the data that was deleted for a specific applicant ID.

Image: Applicant ID Delete Log page

This example illustrates the Applicant ID Delete Log page.

Applicant ID Delete Log page

Process Information

Field or Control


Process Instance

Identifies the specific instance of the Applicant ID Delete process that you are reviewing.


The Sequence number reflects the order in which the Applicant ID Delete process handles multiple applicants. For example, if an instance of the process deletes three applicants, the Sequence number 1 is assigned to the first applicant to be deleted and 3 is assigned to the last applicant to be deleted.

Applicant ID

Displays the original applicant ID for a single applicant who was deleted.

A single instance of the process can delete multiple applicant IDs, but this page displays information for only one applicant at a time.

Date/Time Stamp

Indicates when the Applicant ID Delete process ran. This is the date and time for the process instance, so it is the same for all applicants who were processed together.

User ID

Identifies the user who ran the specified instance of the Applicant ID Delete process.

Rows Deleted

Displays the total number of rows (across all records) that were deleted for the specified applicant.

Record Details

Field or Control


Record Name

Identifies a record where rows were deleted.

Field Name

Identifies the applicant ID field in the record. Typically the value is HRS_PERSON_ID.

Rows Deleted

Displays the number of rows that were deleted from the specified record.