Maintaining Interview Facilities

Interview facilities are specific locations such as meeting rooms where interviews take place. In the context of an applicant's interview schedule, the facility is referred to as the venue. If integration with Microsoft Outlook calendaring is active, the interview facility corresponds to a Microsoft Outlook resource.

Page Name

Definition Name


Interview Facilities Page


Maintain information about interview venues.

Use the Interview Facilities page (HRS_VENUE_PG) to maintain information about interview venues.

Image: Interview Facilities page

This example illustrates the Interview Facilities page.

Interview Facilities page

Venue Information

Field or Control


Venue ID

Displays a unique identifier that the system assigns when you create the venue.


Select Active or Inactive to indicate whether the venue is available for use on the Interview Schedule page.


Enter the description that users see when selecting this venue to use for an interview.


Enter the email address that is assigned to the Microsoft Outlook resource that corresponds to this venue. If you use full calendar integration, the system uses this email address to identify the venue, confirm its availability, and reserve it for the interview meeting. If you use partial calendar integration or no calendar integration, the email address is informational only.


Enter the specific location of the venue. When a recruiter adds a venue to an interview, the system copies the location information to the interview schedule. If the recruiter modifies the location text in the actual interview schedule, the changes are replicated to the venue definition.

Interviewers can see the location information on the Interview Calendar page.

Applicants can see the location information on the Interview Detail page in Candidate Gateway. Applicants access the Interview Details page using the interview notification link that the system generates if the Notify Applicant check box is selected when the interview is submitted.

Under partial calendar information, location information is also included in the iCalendar attachment that the system sends.


Enter directions to the venue.

Applicants can see the directions on the Interview Detail page in Candidate Gateway. Applicants access this page using the interview notification link that the system generates if the Notify Applicant check box is selected when the interview is submitted.


Enter any additional notes about the venue. Information in this field does not appear on the Interview Schedule page. However, users who are scheduling interviews can access the Interview Facilities page from the Interview Schedule page if they want to review this information.

Room Details

Enter any additional room details about the venue. Information in this field does not appear on the Interview Schedule page. However, users who are scheduling interviews can access the Interview Facilities page from the Interview Schedule page if they want to review this information.


Upload any useful attachments such as maps or room-specific instructions. The attachments grid includes a link to the document along with information about who uploaded the file and when it was uploaded.

Attachments do not appear on the Interview Schedule page. However, users who are scheduling interviews can access the Interview Facilities page from the Interview Schedule page if they want to review this information.