Viewing Recruiting Pivot Grids

This topic discusses recruiting pivot grids.

Note: Pivot grids are accessed from pagelets. Pagelets can be added to a user’s PeopleSoft home page or to the Recruiting Home Page.

Pivot Grid Name

Definition Name


Job Opening Open and Close Trend Pivot Grid

  • HRS_PG_JO_OC (pivot grid accessed from the My Job Openings pagelet)

  • HRS_PG_JO_OC_M (pivot grid accessed from the Recruiting Manager Summary pagelet)

View the number of openings that were opened and closed each month.

Job Opening Aging Analysis Pivot Grid

  • HRS_PG_JO_AGE (pivot grid accessed from the My Job Openings pagelet)

  • HRS_PG_JO_AGE_M (pivot grid accessed from the Recruiting Manager Summary pagelet)

View the number of open job openings of various ages.

In Process Applicants Pivot Grid


View the distribution of dispositions for your active applicants.

Time to Fill Pivot Grid

  • HRS_PG_TTF_DB (simplified pivot grid shown on the Time to Fill pagelet)

  • HRS_PG_TTF (pivot grid accessed through the related action on the Time to Fill pagelet)

  • HRS_PG_TTF_M (pivot grid accessed from the Recruiting Manager Summary pagelet)

View the average number of days to fill job openings by month.

PeopleSoft Pivot Grid is a PeopleTools technology that provides actionable operational analytics using charts and grids. Pivot grids enable users to visually display real-time data and organize it on the fly by pivoting and filtering. The self-service, multi-dimensional analytics provided by PeopleSoft Pivot Grid provides users with the business intelligence needed to make informed decisions.

This video feature overview demonstrates the use of pivot grids for actionable operational analytics:

PeopleSoft Actionable Operational Analytics

Recruiting Solutions delivers four pivot grids that provide graphic views of important performance measures:

  • The Job Opening Open and Close Trend chart shows data related to the number of openings that are opened and closed on a monthly basis, giving users a picture of hiring activity across time, departments and locations.

  • The Job Opening Aging Analysis chart shows the number of open job openings in various pre-defined age bands, providing vital information about an organization’s recruiting backlog.

  • The In Process Applicants chart shows the distribution of dispositions for applicants who are being considered for job openings, offering a view of the applicant pipeline.

  • The Time to Fill chart shows monthly average Time to Fill data, helping users to see trends in their ability to fill job openings.

This data is available to recruiters, recruiting managers, and hiring managers through various pagelets.

For more information on the setup and capabilities of PeopleSoft Pivot Grid, see PeopleTools: Pivot Grid.

These page controls appear on all Recruiting pivot grids:

Field or Control


Options menu for pivot grids

Click to open the Options Menu, then select from these menu items:

  • Prompts: Displays a dialog box where you can change the parameters used to define the chart’s data set.

  • View Grid: Opens an additional dialog box that displays the data in a grid format rather than a chart format.

  • Export Data: Exports the underlying PSQuery data to a spreadsheet.

  • Chart Options: Opens the User Charting Options dialog box, where you can change the chart labels, layout, axes, and filters.

  • Save: Saves the current grid and chart layout as the default view


Displays drop-down list boxes that you use to filter the data to be displayed in the chart.

<Drilldown Menu>

When you click a data element (for example, a bar on a bar chart), a menu provides these options:

  • Detailed View: Displays a grid with the detailed data. For example, if a bar on a bar chart represents the number of job openings that were filled in a particular month, clicking Detailed View displays a grid with information about each of the included job openings.

  • Drilldown To: Displays the drilldown options defined for the chart. Clicking a drilldown option redraws the chart based on the selected type of data.

Use the Job Opening Open and Close Trend pivot grid to view the number of openings that were opened and closed each month.

Image: Job Opening Open and Close Trend pivot grid

This example illustrates the Job Opening Open and Close Trend pivot grid.

Job Opening Open and Close Trend pivot grid

The Job Opening Open and Close Trend pivot grid displays monthly job opening data. By default, the data appears as a bar chart. For each month, one bar represents the number of job openings that were opened, and a second bar represent the number of job openings that were filled.

The opening date for a job opening is considered to be the earliest posting date or, if there are no postings defined, the actual job opening date. The closing date is the date that the job opening status changed to Filled/Closed.

The chart represents data for job openings to which the user has security access.

Chart Content and Layout

The following table describes options for manipulating the chart:



Options menu for pivot grids


Enter the From Date and To Date to define the date range for the pivot grid.

Initially, the chart displays data for the past year.


  • Recruiter

  • Business Unit

  • Job Family

  • Country

Drill-down options

  • Department

  • Job Code

  • Location

Chart type options

  • Bar chart

  • Line chart

  • Horizontal bar chart

Use the Job Opening Aging Analysis pivot grid to view the number of open job openings of various ages.

Note: Continuous job openings, which remain open indefinitely, are not included in the data for this chart.

Image: Job Opening Aging Analysis pivot grid

This example illustrates the Job Opening Aging Analysis pivot grid.

Job Opening Aging Analysis pivot grid

The Job Opening Aging Analysis pivot grid displays counts of open job openings in predetermined age bands. The age bands are <30 days, 31–60 days, 61–90 days, 91–120 days, 121–150 days, 151–180 days, and > 180 days.

A job’s age is the number of days since the earliest posting date or, if no postings exist, the number of days since the date the job was opened.

The chart represents data for job openings to which the user has security access.

By default, the data appears as a pie chart.

Chart Content and Layout

The following table describes options for manipulating the chart:



Options menu for pivot grids


Enter the From Date to define the date range for the pivot grid. Only jobs opened on or after the specified date are included in the chart.

Initially, the chart includes data for jobs that were opened within the past year.

Note: Because the My Job Openings pagelet shows jobs based on the creation date, not the posting date, the number of job openings represented in the chart does not necessarily match the number in the pagelet even when both are looking at data from the same period of time.


  • Recruiter

  • Business Unit

  • Job Family

  • Country

Drill-down options

  • Company

  • Department

  • Job Opening

  • Job Code

  • Location

Chart type options

  • Bar chart

  • Line chart

  • Pie chart

  • Horizontal bar chart

Use the In Process Applicants pivot grid to view the distribution of dispositions for applicants who are being considered for job openings.

Image: In Process Applicants pivot grid

This example illustrates the In Process Applicants pivot grid.

In Process Applicants pivot grid

The In Process Applicants pivot grid displays counts of applicants in various dispositions. The chart shows all in-use dispositions except Draft and Reject.

The chart represents data for job openings to which the user has security access.

By default, the data appears as a pie chart.

Chart Content and Layout

The following table describes options for manipulating the chart:



Options menu for pivot grids


Enter the From Date and To Date to define the date range for the pivot grid. Only applications that were created within the specified date range are included in the chart.

Enter Y (yes) or N (no) in the Include Applied Status field to determine whether the chart includes applications in the default disposition that is assigned when the application is first submitted. The delivered default disposition is Applied.

Initially, the chart includes data for jobs that were opened within the past year, and it does not include applications in the default (Applied) disposition.


  • Job Opening

  • Recruiter

  • Job Family

  • Country

  • Hiring Manager

  • Business Unit

Drill-down options

  • Department

  • Location

Chart type options

  • Bar chart

  • Line chart

  • Pie chart

  • Horizontal bar chart

Use the Time to Fill pivot grid to view the average number of days to fill job openings by month.

Image: Time to Fill pivot grid

This example illustrates the Time to Fill pivot grid.

Time to Fill pivot grid

The Time to Fill pivot grid displays the average days taken to fill the job openings that are closed in a particular month.

The chart represents data for job openings to which the user has security access.

Chart Content and Layout

The following table describes options for manipulating the chart:



Options menu for pivot grids


  • When launched from the Recruiting Manager Summary pagelet, From Date and To Date prompts define the date range for the chart. The chart displays monthly Time to Fill data for the specified period.

    Initially, the chart includes data for the past year.

  • When launched from the Time to Fill pagelet, there are no prompts. The date range for the chart is determined by the personalization options on the pagelet.


  • Business Unit

  • Job Family

  • Country

  • Recruiter

  • Hiring Manager

Drill-down options

  • Department

  • Job Code

  • Location

Chart type options

  • Bar chart

  • Line chart

  • Pie chart

  • Horizontal bar chart