Understanding Extra Periods

In PeopleSoft Global Payroll for Spain, you define the details for the extra period payments as stated by the labor agreement on the Extra Period Definition page and the Extra Period Eligible Earnings page of the Labor Agreement component (HR_LABOR_AGRMNT). These pages are discussed in another topic in this product documentation.

See Extra Period Definition Page, Extra Period Earnings Page.

This topic provides additional information about calculating extra periods.

In addition to the 12 pay periods in a year, employees are eligible for two or more extra period payments, as defined by their labor agreements. Typically, most employees get extra period payments in June and December. Two extra period payments are the statutory minimum; however, a labor agreement may set a higher number. The amount of the extra period payment is also defined in the labor agreement.

Extra period payments can be prorated or paid as a single payment. For example, the labor agreement can specify that the first extra period payment be paid every month and prorated as 1/12 of the total amount of the extra period payment. The labor agreement can also state that the second extra period payment is to be paid as a single payment in December.