Understanding Global Payroll Rules for DSN

The results from the monthly payroll process are extracted and used by the DSN application for generating monthly DSN file. Hence, before you run the monthly DSN process, the monthly payroll must be calculated.

PeopleSoft Global Payroll for France provides a DSN writable array to retrieve employment and contract information of employees. This DSN writable array is used specifically for populating the changes in S40 attributes (The S40 attributes in the DSN file refer to the employment/contract information of the employee). After each payroll run, the DSN writable array will be updated automatically if there are any changes in Employment/Contract information of the employee.

Using system elements and variables, the changes are populated to GPFR_DSN_WA record. Variable values are assigned using the formula DSN FM GENERAL. You can update/override the value using the formula DSN FM CUSTOM.

DSN file contains multiple information blocks which are arranged in a specific tree structure. Nodes are used to identify each information block and to determine hierarchical structure of the file. Under each node multiple attributes are defined.

All the nodes and attributes are configured in Application Framework under the Application ‘DSN’. For more information on DSN related nodes and corresponding attributes, see Related Links.