Setting Up DUCS Information Without Application Framework

This section is intended for customers that are migrating to a newer release from an earlier version of Global Payroll for France. These customers are willing to continue using the DUCS design from previous releases.

To set up DUCS information, use the DUCS Definitions FRA (GPFR_DUCS), DUCS Contacts FRA (GPFR_DUCS_CONTACT), AF DUCS Contributions FRA (GPFR_DUCS_CONTS), DUCS Types FRA (GPFR_DUCS_PARAM0), and DUCS Parameters FRA (GPFR_DUCS_PARAM1) components.

Page Name

Definition Name


DUCS Types FRA Page


View declaration codes for each DUCS type in the system and establish new ones. Reference these DUCS types when preparing and generating DUCS files. The information on this page is delivered and maintained by the PeopleSoft system.

Identifier Code Page


View the parameters of the identifier qualification code used in the Contact table. The information on this page is delivered and maintained by the PeopleSoft system.

Declaration Type Page


Set declaration type parameters for each DUCS type. The information on this page is delivered and maintained by the PeopleSoft system.

Contributions Page


Set parameters for the contribution family. The information on this page is delivered and maintained by the PeopleSoft system.

Amounts Types Page


Set the parameters for the amount contribution type. The information on this page is delivered and maintained by the PeopleSoft system.

Pay Informations Page


Set the parameters for pay mode, bank account, and reference type. The information on this page is delivered and maintained by the PeopleSoft system.

Contact Definition Page


Record the list of contacts for DUCS. Specify the role of these contacts on the DUCS Definition page.

Address and Phone Page


Enter address and phone information for DUCS contacts.

DUCS Definitions FRA Page


Define how establishments are used in creating DUCS.

Create a DUCS file by running a batch program, in which the system searches and compiles relevant data, writes it to a specific table, and then creates a flat file and a control report. If needed, you can change the payment before posting the file.

There are three kinds of setup:

  • Basic setup.

    For this setup, you use the delivered DUCS Types page and the DUCS Parameters component as follows:

    • Define each DUCS type on the DUCS Types page.

    • Define DUCS parameters in the DUCS Parameters component.

  • Contributions setup.

    The DUCS Contributions page shows which elements are calculated during the payroll process and then applied to the writable array. The table created contains the elements needed for each payee and segment. The PeopleSoft system comes with this component, but you must update it in the PeopleSoft delivered deductions setup if you make any additions.

  • Organization setup.

    This setup involves the DUCS Contacts component and the DUCS Definition page. The PeopleSoft system does not provide this data because it depends on the organization of each company.

    • Define all DUCS contacts, recipients, transmitters, informants, editors, and establishments in the DUCS Contacts component.

    • Assign these contacts their specific roles on the DUCS Definition page.

      This is where the report information is connected with the transmission and banking information. Transmission of payment is done using the source bank information that you establish in the system.

Use the DUCS Types FRA page (GPFR_DUCS_PARAM0) to view declaration codes for each DUCS type in the system and establish new ones.

Use the DUCS Types FRA page (GPFR_DUCS_PARAM0) to view declaration codes for each DUCS type in the system and establish new ones.

Reference these DUCS types when preparing and generating DUCS files. The information on this page is delivered and maintained by the PeopleSoft system.

Reference these DUCS types when preparing and generating DUCS files. The information on this page is delivered and maintained by the PeopleSoft system.

Image: DUCS Types FRA page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the DUCS Types FRA page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

DUCS Types FRA page

Field or Control


Declaration Code

Displays the declaration code. Valid values are 901 for URSSAF, 902 for ASSEDIC, and 903 for AGIRC and ARRCO.


Displays the description associated with the declaration code.


Select the type of method to use for retroactive changes. Values are:

Additive: The regularization amount is added to the current declaration period. The retroactively recalculated period is not changed.

Rectificative: The regularization amount is declared in a separate record in the DUCS`declaration..

Note: The regularization method to be used is defined by each organization. You must contact the organizations receiving these declarations to determine which method to use. The rectificative declaration is only available with DUCS norm 4.2.

Use the Identifier Code page (GPFR_DUCS_PARAM1) to view the parameters of the identifier qualification code used in the Contact table.

The information on this page is delivered and maintained by the PeopleSoft system.

Image: DUCS Parameters FRA - Identifier Code page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the DUCS Parameters FRA - Identifier Code page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

DUCS Parameters FRA - Identifier Code page

Identifier Qualification

Field or Control


Identifier Type

Displays the identifier types:

SIRET: References a previously set up establishment.

Other: References any other legal entity.

Identifier Code

Displays the identifier code: 5 for SIRET, and ZZZ for other.

Use the Declaration Type page (GPFR_DUCS_PARAM2) to set declaration type parameters for each DUCS type.

The information on this page is delivered and maintained by the PeopleSoft system.

Image: DUCS Parameters FRA - Declaration Type page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the DUCS Parameters FRA - Declaration Type page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

DUCS Parameters FRA - Declaration Type page

DUCS File Type

Field or Control


Multi Establishments (multiple establishments)

This option is selected if multiple establishments are allowed. This occurs for VLU filed with URSSAF and PG filed with ASSEDIC.


File Type




BRC with no VLU



BRC with VLU



TRC with no VLU



TRC with VLU



ADV for one establishment



ADV for several establishments



BDA for one establishment



BDA for multiple establishments



Quarterly declaration



Monthly declaration



Annual declaration

Use the Contributions page (GPFR_DUCS_PARAM3) to set parameters for the contribution family.

The information on this page is delivered and maintained by the PeopleSoft system.

Image: DUCS Parameters FRA - Contributions page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the DUCS Parameters FRA - Contributions page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

DUCS Parameters FRA - Contributions page


Contribution Family




















Use the Amounts Types page (GPFR_DUCS_PARAM4) to set the parameters for the amount contribution type.

The information on this page is delivered and maintained by the PeopleSoft system.

Image: DUCS Parameters FRA - Amounts Types page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the DUCS Parameters FRA - Amounts Types page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

DUCS Parameters FRA - Amounts Types page

Contribution Type





URSSAF A-Ceiling


URSSAF Gross Minus (negative value)


URSSAF A-Ceiling Minus (negative value)


ASSEDIC Gross Plus (positive value)


ASSEDIC Lump-Sum Plus (positive value)


ASSEDIC Gross Minus (negative value)


ASSEDIC Lump-Sum Minus (negative value)


IRC Gross Plus (positive value)


IRC Plus (positive value)


IRC Lump-Sum Plus (positive value)


IRC Fictitious Plus (positive value)


IRC Gross Minus (negative value)


IRC Minus (negative value)


IRC Lump-Sum Minus (negative value)


IRC Fictitious Minus (negative value)

Use the Pay Informations page (GPFR_DUCS_PARAM5) to set the parameters for pay mode, bank account, and reference type.

The information on this page is delivered and maintained by the PeopleSoft system.

Image: DUCS Parameters FRA - Pay Informations page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the DUCS Parameters FRA - Pay Informations page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

DUCS Parameters FRA - Pay Informations page

Field or Control


Pay Mode

Displays the pay mode. Valid payment descriptions are 20 (Check), 30 (Transfer), 31 (Automatic Deduction), and Z10 (Telepayment).

Bank Account Type

Displays the bank account type and description. Values are: BF (Recipient bank account) and OR (Declarant bank account).

Reference Type

Displays the reference type: PQ for payment by check or transfer or CR for payment by telepayment or automatic deduction.

Use the Contact Definition page (GPFR_DUCS_CONTACT) to record the list of contacts for DUCS.

Specify the role of these contacts on the DUCS Definition page.

Image: DUCS Contacts FRA - Contact Definition page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the DUCS Contacts FRA - Contact Definition page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

DUCS Contacts FRA - Contact Definition page

OPS Identification

Field or Control



Select the DUCS type. Valid values are determined by what is established on the DUCS Types page.

Identifier Type

Select Other, SIREN, or SIRET.

Establishment ID

Enter the identification number, as requested in the DUCS requirements.

Reference 1

Enter the reference 1, as requested in the DUCS requirements. This field is specific for ARRCO, AGIRC, or contingency fund. Enter the number communicated by your retirement and contingency fund organizations.

Contact Type

Use this group box to define whether a DUCS contact is a recipient or sender for DUCS type 903 (Agirc Arrco Other).

Field or Control



Select to indicate that the contact is a sender of DUCS.


Select to indicate that the contact is a recipient of DUCS.

Use the Address and Phone page (GPFR_DUCS_CONTACT1) to enter address and phone information for DUCS contacts.

Image: DUCS Contacts - Address and Phone page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the DUCS Contacts - Address and Phone page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

DUCS Contacts - Address and Phone page

Address Definition

Field or Control


Address Type

Select Company Address, Establishment Address, or Other.


Enter the address. If the address type is:

Other: Click this link to access the secondary page for the address.

Company Address: Enter the company SIREN number.

Establishment Address: Enter the establishment SIRET number.

Phone Definition

Field or Control


Service / Correspondent

Enter the service or correspondent.

Contact Type

Select Company Phone, Establishment Phone, or Other.

Establishment ID (Phone)

Depending upon the contact type, the phone number may be hidden.


Field or Control


Email Address

Enter the email address of the contact.

Use the DUCS Definitions FRA page (GPFR_DUCS) to define how establishments are used in creating DUCS.

Image: DUCS Definitions FRA page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the DUCS Definitions FRA page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

DUCS Definitions FRA page

Field or Control


DUCS Addressee

Select the addressee from the DUCS Contact Definition component. This information is for your information only; it's not a DUCS requirement.

Declaration Definition

Field or Control


Recipient Name ("MR")

Select the recipient of the DUCS file. The Contact Definition field on the Contact Definition page determines available values. The recipient name corresponds to the recipient of the DUCS declaration as defined in the DUCS requirement book.

Transmitter Name ("FR")

Select the transmitter name. The Contact Definition field on the Contact Definition page determines available values. In general, it is the establishment responsible for sending the DUCS file.

Informant Name ("DT")

Select the informant name. The Contact Definition field on the Contact Definition page determines available values. You must indicate here the legal declaring entity (Entité Juridique Déclarante) as defined in the DUCS requirement book. For URSSAF and ASSEDIC, the informant should be companies, while for ARRCO, AGIRC, and contingency funds, it is the member.

Editor Name ("AE")

Select the editor name. The Contact Definition field on the Contact Definition page determines available values. You must indicate here the name of the party preparing the declaration for you.

Payment Name ("PAI")

Select the payment name. The payment name is the name of the contact who is in charge of the payment of the contributions. The Contact Definition field on the Contact Definition page determines available values.

File Type

Select a file type from the DUCS Parameters - Declaration Type page. Available values correspond to the relevant DUCS type.

Payment Type

Select a payment mode or method. Valid values are determined by the Pay Mode field on the DUCS Parameters - Pay Information page: Check, Transfer, Automatic Deduction, and Telepayment.

Source Bank ID

Select the bank account to be debited. You must have established a source bank account.

Establishments List

Field or Control



Select the declared entities. For the URSSAF and the ASSEDIC, it is Establishments; for ARRCO, AGIRC, and contingency funds, it is the payment center (centre payeur). If you are setting up VLU or PG, enter at least two establishments; otherwise, enter one establishment. The Contact Definition field on the Contact Definition page determines available values.

Main Establ. (main establishment)

If you are setting up VLU or PG, select this check box to indicate the main establishment, as defined by the DUCS requirements. This information produce a type FZ record as defined in the DUCS requirement book.