Setting Up SICOSS Report Parameters

This topic discusses how to define SICOSS report layout parameters.

Page Name

Definition Name


SCOSS Parameters ARG Page


Define the layout parameters for elements in the SICOSS Report ARG.

Use the SCOSS Parameters ARG page (GPAR_SIJP_CFG) to define the layout parameters for elements in the SICOSS Report ARG.

Image: SICOSS Parameters ARG page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the SICOSS Parameters ARG page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

SICOSS Parameters ARG pag

Field or Control


Layout Field

Select the SICOSS Report field. Options are:

  • Advance Vacations Amount

  • Adverse Work Area

  • Annual Salary Complementary

  • Diff tax Contribution Pct

  • Employee Status 1 — 3

  • Employee Status Begin Day 1 — 3

  • Maternity

  • Operation Type

  • Overtime Amount

  • Overtime Hours

  • Paid Family Allowances

  • Remuneration Adjustment

  • Retirement Type

  • Salary Dto788_05 Rem8

  • Salary Plus Additionals

  • Taxable Salary 1– 9

  • Total Salary

  • Unremunerative Concepts

  • Worked Days

  • Worked Hours

  • Social Sec Base Diff Input

  • Social Sec Base Diff Contr

Note: These values will be printed in the Legal Book file.

*Legal Book is a monthly report required by Argentina government with details regarding employees' earnings and deductions.


Select the accumulator element associated with the layout field.


Displays the name of the selected item.