Viewing Delta Values for Retroactive Calculations

When retroactive processing occurs for a payee, the system recalculates each element that is generated for the payee. The difference between the recalculated results and the original results is called the delta. A delta can represent an underpayment or an overpayment that results in an adjustment to the payee's earnings.

Page Name

Definition Name


Retro Calculation Deltas Page


View the delta values associated with payments that were recalculated because of retroactivity.

Use the Retro Calculation Deltas page (GP_RSLT_CAL_DLTA) to view the delta values associated with payments that were recalculated because of retroactivity.

Image: Retro Calculation Deltas page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Retro Calculation Deltas page.

Retro Calculation Deltas page

Field or Control


Amount Delta, Unit Delta, and Base Delta

Displays the difference between the original value and the recalculated value.


Selected when the retroactive mode is corrective to indicate that the originally calculated value has been replaced by the recalculated value.


Selected when the retroactive method is forwarding or when the retroactive method is corrective and you have defined a forwarding exception. It indicates that the system forwarded each earning and deduction delta (that was defined for forwarding) to the current period as an adjustment or forwarded the value of the elements to a new element—depending on your instructions.

Forwarded To

This tab identifies the calendar group ID, the calendar, pay group and element that will receive the value of the element's retroactive delta in the current period.


Select the Matching tab.

Image: Retro Calculation Deltas page: Matching tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Retro Calculation Deltas page: Matching tab.

Retro Calculation Deltas page: Matching tab

During forwarding retroactive processing, the system forwards adjustments from the recalculated calendars to the current calendar when the Employee Record Number, Paying Entity, Pay Group, and Run Type match. If any of these items do not match, the system follows the forwarding instructions that are defined for the payee on the Unprocessed Retro Deltas page and that display on the Delta Amounts page.

Field or Control


Match Action

Displays the instructions that you entered on the Unprocessed Retro Deltas page. Values are:

Apply Cal (apply to calendar): The retroactive delta was pulled into the specific calendar and pay group that you entered in the Target Calendar ID and Target Calendar Pay Group fields on the Unprocessed Retro Deltas page.

Dflt Match (default match): The retroactive delta was pulled into the current calendar and pay group.

Do Not Prc (do not process): The unprocessed retroactive deltas were not pulled into a calendar as a retroactive adjustment.

Target Calendar ID and Target Pay Group ID

Displays the calendar and pay group to which the deltas were forwarded.

Payment Keys

This tab displays the names of the payment keys and their values.