Defining Rules-Driven Component Defaulting

This topic lists the pages used to define rules-drive component defaulting and discusses how to define rules-driven component defaulting.

Page Name

Definition Name


Rate Code Defaulting Options Page


Specify which Job record fields are available to component defaulting rules.

Rate Code Defaulting Rules - Definition Page


Define component defaulting rule header information.

Rate Code Defaulting Rules - Criteria Page


Create and modify criteria for component defaulting rules.

Rate Code Defaulting Rules - Values Page


Specify the values that the fields and operators you selected on the Criteria page should act on.

Rate Code Defaulting Rules - Rate Codes Page


Assign rate codes to the component defaulting rules.

Rate Code Details Page


View additional information about the compensation rate code.

Use the Rate Code Defaulting Options page (CMP_DFLT_OPTIONS) to specify which Job record fields are available to component defaulting rules.

Image: Rate Code Defaulting Options page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Rate Code Defaulting Options page.

Rate Code Defaulting Options page

Defaulting Rules Options

Field or Control


Field Name and Field Label

Select the field name that you want to have available for use as criteria for component defaulting rules. After you select a field name, its description appears in Field Label; you can change this description.

Edit Table

Select the field's edit table—that is, the table from which the field is prompted.

Prerequisite Fields

Field or Control


Required for Prompt and Field Label

Select the field that prompts for the defaulting rules fields, if required. If you select a field in Required for Prompt, you must select its value on the Values page.

For example, if the defaulting rules field is Department, select SETID. (Before you can select a department, you must select the department's setID.) The appropriate values appear in Field Label and Equivalent Record Field when you select the Required for Prompt field. You must then access the Values page to select the department's value (based on its setID).

Equivalent Record Field

Select the Required for Prompt field's Job equivalent. For example, the Job equivalent of SETID is SETID_DEPT.

Sometimes the equivalent field is the same as the Required for Prompt field, or there is no equivalent field. If there is no equivalent field, leave this field blank.

Use the Rate Code Defaulting Rules - Definition page (CMP_RULE_DEFN) to define component defaulting rule header information.

Image: Rate Code Defaulting Rules - Definition page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Rate Code Defaulting Rules - Definition page.

Rate Code Defaulting Rules - Definition page

Enter a description of the component defaulting rule. All defaulting rules created directly in this component will have the rate code source Combination Rule. You can also view defaulting rules with other rate code sources, such as job code or salary step. Those rules are automatically created when you set up default pay components on those pages.

Use Rate Code Defaulting Rules - Criteria page (CMP_RULE_CRITERIA) to create and modify criteria for component defaulting rules.

Image: Rate Code Defaulting Rules - Criteria page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Rate Code Defaulting Rules - Criteria page.

Rate Code Defaulting Rules - Criteria page

Field or Control


Record, Field Name, and Edit Table

Select the record and the name of the field whose value will trigger this rule. The system displays the field's edit table.

SQL Operator

Select the Structured Query Language (SQL) operator that defines the relationship of the rule to the field values that you select on the Values page. For example, select Equals if you want the rule to act only on workers who have the field value specified on the Values page.

Use Rate Code Defaulting Rules - Values page (CMP_RULE_VALUES) to specify the values that the fields and operators you selected on the Rate Code Defaulting Rules - Criteria page should act on.

Image: Rate Code Defaulting Rules - Values page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Rate Code Defaulting Rules - Values page.

Rate Code Defaulting Rules - Values page

Field or Control


SetID and Value

If a prompt is required for the Value field (that is, Required for Prompt is specified on the Defaulting Options page), select the appropriate prompt value here. For example, select the department's setID in the prompt field and then select the department in the Value field. (You must first use the Defaulting Options page to select department as Field Name and setID as the Required for Prompt field.)

Use the Rate Code Defaulting Rules - Rate Codes page (CMP_RULE_RATECD) to assign rate codes to the component defaulting rules.

Image: Rate Code Defaulting Rules - Rate Codes page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Rate Code Defaulting Rules - Rate Codes page.

Rate Code Defaulting Rules - Rate Codes page

Field or Control


Rate Code

Select the rate code to be used as the default for this defaulting rule.


Click to access the Rate Code page and view additional information about the compensation rate code. If there is a rate matrix associated with the rate code, you can also view the matrix from this page.

Comp Rate (compensation rate)

Enter the compensation rate for this defaulting rate code rule.

If the rate code type is Flat Amount, Hourly Rate, or Hourly Rate + Flat Amount, enter a compensation rate for the rate code.

Note: This field is unavailable if you are using a rate code that has an associated rate matrix. In that case, the compensation rate is determined dynamically based on the rate matrix and will be updated directly on the worker's job compensation record when the defaulting rule is triggered.