Business Units, Tablesets and Set IDs

PeopleSoft regulates HCM system data through the use of business units, tablesets, and set IDs.

Business Units

Business units are logical units that you create to track and report specific business information. Business units have no predetermined restrictions or requirements; they are a flexible structuring device that enable you to implement PeopleSoft HCM based on how your business is organized.

You must define at least one business unit. The BUSINESS_UNIT field is included on all transaction tables.

Tablesets and Set IDs

Tablesets and set IDs are devices that enable you to share – or restrict – information across business units. For example, with tablesets and set IDs you can centralize redundant information such as country codes while keeping information such as departments and job codes decentralized. The overall goal of tablesets and set IDs is to minimize data redundancy, maintain data consistency, and reduce system maintenance tasks.

You must define at least one tableset (set ID). The SETID key field is included on all control tables.