Understanding Regulatory Region Table Relationships

Use the following pages to review and set up Regulatory Region controls for your system:

  • Regulatory Region (REG_REGION)

  • Transaction (REG_TRX)

  • Regions in Transaction (REG_TRX_REGION)

Use the Regulatory Region page to view or modify existing regulatory regions and to establish additional regulatory regions. The regulatory regions you create can be based on countries or regions within countries, such as states or provinces.

Use the Transaction page to view and modify existing transaction types or to establish and describe new regulatory transaction types.

Use the Regions In Transaction page to view and modify the regulatory regions that define existing regulatory transaction types and to establish the regions that define the new transaction types that you create.

The following table shows the relationships between the regulatory region pages that you use to define and administer regulatory regions in PeopleSoft Human Resources:














These pages do not have an Effective Date or an Effective Status. Both REG_REGION_TBL and REG_TRX have Related Language tables. You can hide data that you don't want by either making the REG_AVAIL = NOT or removing it from the transaction's region list.

Note: During configuration, you must create regulatory regions before you can create transactions and establish the relationship between them. A regulatory region can be used by many transactions.