Analyzing Portal Navigation

To analyze portal navigation, use the Portal Analysis component (RUNCTL_PORTAL).

This topic discusses how to analyze HCM portal navigation.

Page Name

Definition Name


Portal Analysis Page


Analyze the portal navigation structure for users, roles or permission lists.

Use the Portal Analysis page (RUNCTL_PORTAL) to analyze the portal navigation structure for users, roles or permission lists.

Image: Portal Analysis page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Portal Analysis page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Portal Analysis page

Field or Control


File Name

Enter the name of the file you want the process to create and populate with the portal analysis. The process will distribute the file to the reporting repository.

Portal Name

Enter the name of the portal you want to analyze.

Content Provider Name

Select HRMS in the Content Provider Namefield to analyze HCM portal navigation.

Process Result

Select the processing result from the following options:

  • Portal/Menu Path

    The result creates a straight list of the portal and menu paths. This result does not use the other values on the page so the system hides them when you select this option.

  • Portal Navigation Hardcopy

    This result gives you more options and can create a more hierarchical view of the navigation.

Portal Object Name

Select the portal object name.

Display Levels

Enter the number of portal levels to print. Leave empty to print all the levels.

Show Object Names

Select to display the object names of the CREFs or folders.

If you leave this check box deselected, the process will just display the labels.

Show Menu.Component.Market

Select to display the CREFs menu, component, and market information.

Suppress Hidden Objects

Select to keep the process from including hidden objects.

If you leave this check box deselected, the system identifies hidden objects with the following text preceding the object name: *hidden*.

Apply Security Based On

Select to analyze the portal navigation for the security access assigned to a UserId, Role, or Permission List. Select the userID, role, or permission list to use.