(CHE) Maintaining Swiss Postal Codes

To maintain Swiss postal codes, use the Load Postal Codes CHE component (POSTAL_LOAD_CHE).

These topics provide an overview of Swiss postal code maintenance and discuss how to update Swiss valid addresses.

Page Name

Definition Name


Load Postal Codes CHE Page


Load Swiss postal code information into the Valid Addresses table.

To update postal codes:

  1. Download the latest update of postal codes from the website of the Swiss Post and note the path to the file in which you save it.

  2. Download the latest update of alternate names from the website of the Swiss Post and note the path to the file in which you save it.

  3. Use the Load Postal Codes CHE page to enter the file paths and load the valid addresses and alternate names files to the Valid Addresses table.

The system uses the information on the Valid Addresses table to validate municipalities against the postal code.

Use the Load Postal Codes CHE page (POSTAL_LOAD_CHE) to load Swiss postal code information into the Valid Addresses table.

Image: Load Postal Codes CHE page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Load Postal Codes CHE page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Load Postal Codes CHE page

Field or Control


Postal Codes File

Enter the complete path to the Postal Code file that you downloaded from the Swiss Post.

Alternate Names file

Enter the complete path to the Alternate Names file that you downloaded from the Swiss Post.

Load Data

Click to load the postal code data into the Valid Addresses table.

State, Postal Code, and City

Initially, these fields display the current data from the Valid Addresses table. After you run the load process, the updated information appears.