Defining Job Tasks

To define job tasks use the Job Tasks component (JOB_TASK_TABLE) and Job Code Task Table component (JOBCODE_TASK_TABLE). Use the JOB_TASK_TABLE component interface to load data into the tables for this component.

These topics provide an overview of job tasks and discuss how to define job task codes.

Page Name

Definition Name


Job Tasks Page


Define job task outcomes. For example, if a job requires an worker to pick up heavy boxes and move them, then define moving heavy boxes as the essential job task. Because a worker with a disability could use a forklift to move them, do not define the job task as lifting heavy boxes.

Job Code Task Table Page


Associated job tasks with each job code.

Define job task codes, such as Data Entry, and assign it to a Job Code on the Job Code Task Table. On the Job Code Task Table, indicate the importance and frequency of the task. You can use Manage Profiles to set up a profile for a job task.

Use the Job Code Task Table page (JOBCODE_TASK_TABLE) to associated job tasks with each job code.

Image: Job Code Task Table page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Job Code Task Table page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Job Code Task Table page

Field or Control


Total Percent Time Spent

The system calculates and displays this when you move out of the % Time Spent field. The total cannot exceed 100%.

Note: Once created, this information is particularly useful for discussing job requirements with applicants. Although the ADA prohibits you from asking applicants if they have disabilities, you can show them a job's task list and ask them if they might have difficulties in completing the tasks. This way, you offer the applicants the opportunity to describe their disabilities and any accommodations that they need to perform the job tasks.

Jobtask Set ID

Select a job task set ID from the available options. Valid values are stored on the TableSet ID page.

Job Task

Select a job task from the available options. Valid values are stored on the Job Tasks page.

Imprtce (importance)

Select the importance of the job task to the particular job code. Valid values are in the Translate Table.

Freq (frequency)

Enter how often the job task occurs for each job code. Valid values are in the Frequency Table.

Cons (consequence)

Select the result that occurs if the job task isn't performed. Valid values are in the Translate Table.

% Time Spnt (percentage time spent)

Enter the percentage of time that is spent on the job task.