Editing ChartField Combinations in HCM Transactions

These topics provide an overview of ChartField validation and discuss editing ChartField combinations.

Page Name

Definition Name


ChartField Details Page


Enter or review ChartFields or combination codes in PeopleSoft HCM transactions.

Search Combination Codes Page


Search for ChartFields using valid combination codes.

Search Speed Types Page


Search for ChartFields using PeopleSoft Financials Speed Types.

Search Combo Codes Page


Select ChartFields individually or search for valid chartfield combinations already used in transactions.

Any HCM transaction page on which you enter a ChartField combination code accesses a common ChartField Details page (HMCF_HRZNTL_CFLD) where you enter or view the ChartField details associated with the combination code. If you enter a new ChartField combination, the system performs a combination code validation process to ensure that the entered combination is valid.

The system uses one of these validation methods:

  • If you integrate with PeopleSoft Financials 8.4.01 or higher, the system uses the COMBO_CF_EDIT_REQUEST and COMBO_CF_EDIT_REPLY service operations to validate the combination with the Financials database.

  • If you do not integrate with PeopleSoft Financials 8.4.01 or higher and you populated the Valid Combination table (VALID_COMBO_TBL) with valid combinations, the system searches the Valid Combination table to find the ChartField combination that matches the individual ChartField values specified.

  • If you do not integrate with PeopleSoft Financials 8.4 or higher and you did not populate the Valid Combination table, the system assumes the combination of ChartFields that you selected is valid and searches the Transaction table to find the match.

    If it finds a match, it uses the corresponding combination code. If it does not find a match, it generates a combination code using the next available number.

    Note: The effective date of the newly created combination code is the current date. If the effective date of the transaction is earlier than this date, you need to modify the effective date of the newly created combination code so that it will be a valid code for the transaction from which you created it.

Use the ChartField Details page (HMCF_HRZNTL_CFLD) to enter or review ChartFields or combination codes in PeopleSoft HCM transactions.

Image: ChartField Details page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the left side of the ChartField Details page (1 of 2). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

ChartField Details page (1 of 2)

Image: ChartField Details page (2 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the right side of the ChartField Details page (2 of 2). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

ChartField Details page (2 of 2)

Note: This page might have a more specific name, depending upon the transaction page from which you access it.

If the combination code is already entered on the transaction page, this detail page displays the associated ChartField values. If you are in correction mode or in a new effective dated row on the transaction page, then you can make changes to individual ChartField values and let the system determine if the new combination is valid. Otherwise the page is display only and you can only review the ChartField values.

If there is no combination code entered on the transaction page, all ChartField values are blank on the detail page and you can enter the specific ChartFields required.

Note: Only the ChartFields that are active on the Standard ChartField Configuration page are visible on this page.

Search Options

Select from the available options to search for an existing ChartField combination. The options available include the following, depending upon the combination code tables that you have set up:

  • Combination Codes

    This option is available if you populated the Valid Combination table (VALID_COMBO_TBL).

  • Speed Types

    This option is available if you imported SpeedType values from PeopleSoft General Ledger.

Use the Search Combination Codes page (HMCF_VLD_CMBO_SRCH) to search for ChartFields using valid combination codes.

Image: Search Combination Codes page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Search Combination Codes page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Search Combination Codes page

Note: Only the ChartFields that are active on the Standard ChartField Configuration page are visible as fields on this page.

To search for a combination code:

  1. Enter individual ChartField values.

    The system finds all ChartField combination codes that match those ChartField values.

  2. Select the combination code that you want.

    The system returns you to the ChartField Details page with all individual ChartField values populated.

Use the Search Speed Types page (HMCF_SPD_TYP_SRCH) to search for ChartFields using PeopleSoft Financials Speed Types.

Image: Search Speed Types page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Search Speed Types page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Search Speed Types page

Note: Only the ChartFields that are active on the Standard ChartField Configuration page are visible as fields on this page.

To search for a combination code using Speed Type:

  1. Enter individual ChartField values.

    The system finds all speed types that match those ChartField values.

  2. Select the speed type that you want.

    The system returns you to the ChartField Details page with all individual ChartField values populated.

  3. Since this is selected from speed types, you might have to enter additional ChartField values to form a valid ChartField combination.