Loading Directory Data Using the DSMAPINPUT FullSync Load Process

These topics provide an overview of the directory load processes and discuss how to load directory data.

Page Name

Definition Name


Directory Load Page


Clean the temporary files and run the Entry Membership process.

Full Data Publish Page


Load person and job data into the directory.

Monitor Overview Page


Review the status of the DSMAPINPUT_FULLSYNC service operation.

Once you have set up PeopleSoft Directory Interface you can load the data into the directory using the Directory Load process or the DSMAPINPUT FullSync Load process.

Use the DSMAPINPUT FullSync Load process to load only people and their job data. Use the Directory Load process when you are loading location and department entries in addition to person and job data.

Note: The Directory Load process sometimes experiences performance issues when loading a large volume of person data. To avoid these issues, use the DSMAPINPUT FullSync Load process.

Note: Both the DSMAPINPUT FullSync Load and the Directory Load processes overwrite any existing data in the directory.

Run the Clean Temp Tables (DSMAPINPUT) process from the Directory Load page.

  1. Specify the appropriate map name and click Run.

  2. Select the DS_CLEANTEMP process from the list and click OK.

Note: Do not run the Directory Load (EO_DS_AUDIT) process at this time.

Use the Full Data Publish page (EO_FULLDATAPUB) to load person and job data into the directory.

The DSMAPINPUT service operation combines information from a person's job and personal data into one service operation. The DSMAPINPUT_FULLSYNC service operation is based on the DSMAPINPUT service operation structure and is defined within the DSMANCHNL service operation queue. The Full Data Publish utility uses the DSMAPINPUT_FULLSYNC service operation and loads multiple streams of emplID data into the directory.

The utility processes the first active map it finds in the Directory Map table. If several maps contain DSMAPINPUT as the message name, ensure that you activate the service operation for only the message that you want before running this process.

  1. Access the Full Data Publish page.

  2. Select a Process Frequency of Once.

  3. In the Message Name field, enter DSMAPINPUT_FULLSYNC.

  4. Specify a Request ID and description, save your changes and click Run.

  5. Choose the Full Table Data Publish (EOP_PUBLISHT) process and click OK.

Use the Monitor Overview page (IB_MONITOR_OVRVIEW) to review the status of the DSMAPINPUT_FULLSYNC service operation.

Monitor the message queue to determine the status of the DSMAPINPUT_FULLSYNC service operation within the DSMANCHNL service operation queue.

  1. Access the Monitor Overview page of the Asynchronous Services component.

  2. If the Started column has a number greater than zero, it means the message is still being processed. When the subscriptions are completed, the only column that will have a number greater than zero is the Done column.

See PeopleTools: Integration Broker and PeopleTools: Integration Broker Administration.

Use the Directory Load page (EO_RUNCTL_DS_LOAD) to clean the temporary files and run the Entry Membership process.

After verifying on the Monitor Overview page that all message subscriptions are complete, run the Entry Membership (DSMAPINPUT) process to load members into directory groups based on the Entry Membership Rules.

  1. Access the Directory Load page.

  2. Specify the appropriate map and click Run.

  3. Choose the DS_ENTRY process and click OK.

Note: Do not run the Clean Temp Tables or the Directory Load (EO_DS_AUDIT) process at this time.