Setting Up Banks and Bank Branches

To set up banks, use the Bank component (BANK_EC). To set up bank branches, use the Bank Branch component (BANK_BRANCH_TBL).

Use the CI_BANK_EC component interface to load the banking data into the tables for this component interface.

See PeopleSoft: Enterprise Components.

These topics discuss how to set up banks and bank branches.

Page Name

Definition Name


Bank Table Page


Set up basic information for all financial institutions.

You must complete the Bank Table page before you identify a bank with a source bank account.

Branch Table Page


Define a bank's branches. Not all countries require bank branch information.

Bank Branch Address Page


Enter the address for a bank branch.

(BRA) Bank Branch Brazil Page


Enter additional information for Brazilian bank branches.

Use the Bank Table page (BANK_EC) to set up basic information for all financial institutions.

You must complete the Bank Table page before you identify a bank with a source bank account.

Image: Bank Table page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Bank Table page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Bank Table page

Field or Control


Bank ID

System-displayed. There are different formats for each country. Some are numeric, and others are alphanumeric.

Bank Type

Select the type of bank. Values are Commercial, Community, General, Post Bank,and Savings.

Alternate Bank ID

Enter the bank's national ID, if applicable. If the bank participates in an international banking consortium or system, it is given an alternate bank ID that is used in international transactions.

Bank Name

Enter the name of the bank.

Bank Identifier Code

Enter the Bank Identifier Code (BIC) provided by SWIFT. When saved, the system checks that this entry is 8 or 11 characters long. The system does not validate the accuracy of the BIC, only its length.


Select the country where the bank is located.


The bank's address is displayed.

Edit Address

Click the Edit Address link to change address information for a bank.


Enter the phone number for the bank.

AC Bank Name (alternate character bank name)

This field appears if you enabled AC functionality on the Primary Permission List Preferences page. Japanese users enter the bank name in single-byte, Katakana format.

(GBR) Special Considerations for the UK

To set up UK bank branches, enter the following information:

Field or Control


Country Code

Enter GBR.

Bank ID

Enter the sort code for the bank branch.

Note: If you're setting up a building society, enter the sort code of the bank branch that handles clearing for the building society. Clearing is normally handled by a bank's head office.

Bank Type

Optional for UK banks.

Alternate Bank ID

Leave blank for UK banks.

Bank Name

Enter a description of the branch. Include the location of the branch, not just the bank name.

Use the Branch Table page (BANK_BRANCH_EC) to define a bank's branches.

Not all countries require bank branch information.

Image: Branch Table page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Branch Table page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Branch Table page

Field or Control


Branch ID

Enter the branch ID for the bank. Branch ID formats vary by country.

Branch Name

Enter the name of the bank branch.

Bank Identifier Code

Enter the Bank Identifier Code (BIC) provided by SWIFT. When saved, the system checks that this entry is 8 or 11 characters long. The system does not validate the accuracy of the BIC, only its length.

AC Branch Name (alternate character branch name)

This field appears if you enabled AC functionality on the Primary Permission List Preferences page. Japanese users enter the branch name in single-byte, Katakana format.

Address Information

Click the Address Information link to access the Bank Branch Address page.

Other Information

(BRA) Click the Other Information link to access the Bank Branch Brazil page.

(GBR) Special Considerations for the UK

To set up UK building societies, enter the following information on the Branch Table page:

Field or Control


Bld Soc ID (building society ID)

Enter a unique identifier for the building society.


You can enter employee account details only for building societies with an active status.

Bld Soc Name (building society name)

Enter the full name of the building society.

Account Number

Enter the number of the building society's account at the clearing bank.

Address Information

Click the Address Information link to access the Building Society Address page, where you enter the building society's head office address.

Use the Bank Branch Brazil page (BANKBRANCH_BRA_SEC) to enter additional information for Brazilian bank branches.

Image: Bank Branch Brazil page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Bank Branch Brazil page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Bank Branch Brazil page

Field or Control


Verifier Digit

Enter the bank-assigned verifier digit. File transfers may require the verifier digit.

Branch Location

Enter the bank branch location.

Contact Name

Enter the contact name for the bank branch.