Setting Up the Acknowledgement Framework

This topic discusses how to set up the Acknowledgement Framework.

Page Name

Definition Name


Acknowledgement Configuration Page


Create an Acknowledgement Configuration.

Use the Acknowledgement Configuration page (HCSC_ESIGN_DTL) to create an Acknowledgement Configuration.

Note: Users with the ‘Acknowledgement Administrator’ role will have access to the Acknowledgment Configuration page.

Image: Acknowledgement Configuration Page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Acknowledgement Configuration page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Acknowledgement Configuration Page (1 of 2)

Acknowledgement Details

Field or Control


Acknowledgement ID

Displays the ID under which the configuration is saved. This value is entered as the Parameter Value in the Categories - Steps Page during the activity guide creation.

Note: A configuration created under an Acknowledgement ID can be updated only if it is not used in any activity guide instance.

Effective Date

Enter the effective date for this configuration.

Note: The Acknowledgment page, when used in an activity guide, is displayed based on the configuration effective as of the activity guide instance creation date.

If an Acknowledgement configuration is already in use in an activity guide instance, then it is available only in the display mode and cannot be edited.


Choose the appropriate value to indicate the status of the configuration. Available values are Active and Inactive.

Preview link

Click this link to preview the Acknowledgement page created based on the saved configuration. The preview is displayed in a new browser tab.

(Long and Short) Description

Enter descriptions to indicate the purpose of the Acknowledgement Configuration.

Acknowledgement Fields

Field or Control


Sequence Number

Use the Sequence Number field to set the priority of the Acknowledgement fields, i.e. the order in which the fields are displayed in the Acknowledgement page.

This field must contain a unique value and the lowest number has the highest priority.

Field Name

Add fields to the configuration. The fields that can be added to the configuration are:

  • Agreement check box

  • Date of Birth

  • Display Name

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • National ID

    Note: The last four digits of the National ID has to be entered for validation.

  • Postal Code

  • Terms and Conditions hyperlink

  • Upto a maximum of three Text Box fields

Field Label

Displays the default label of the field. This label can be edited.

Edit Text

Click the Edit Text icon to open the contents of text fields for Text Box, and Terms and Conditions link, in a Rich Text Editor. All changes to the content and formatting for these text fields, including text alignment, can be set from within the Rich Text Editor.

Field Alignment

Use the Field Alignment drop down to set the field alignments. Available values are: Default, Left, Right and Center.

Note: The Default field alignment is set as per PeopleTools standards.


Select the Required check box to set a field as mandatory. Fields marked as Required cannot be left blank by the user.


Select the Validation check box to verify the data entered by a user matches the information stored in the Personal Data.

Note: An Acknowledgement field can be validated only if it is marked as Required..

Image: Acknowledgement Configuration page (2 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls for the Acknowledgement Configuration page — Audit Trail Details and Verify Identity group boxes.

Acknowledgement Configuration Page (2 of 2)

Audit Trail Details

Field or Control


Section Header

Use the Section Header field to enter a heading for the audit trail details displayed at the bottom of the transactional page. For example: Updated By.

Note: This field is required only when the user chooses to display any of the audit trail fields on the transactional page.

Audit Trail Fields

Field or Control


Field Name

By default, the User ID and the Date/Time Stamp values are stored in the database for all Acknowledgement transactions. Only the IP Address is optional.

Field Label

Displays the default field labels. You can edit this label.


Select the Enable check box to capture the corresponding field as part of audit trail.

Note: The Enable check box can be selected only for the IP Address field. It will then capture the IP address of the device from which a user saves the transaction.

The User ID and Date/Time Stamp fields are delivered as enabled and cannot be unchecked.


Select the check box to display the corresponding field as audit trail on the transactional page.

Note: Audit Trail fields are displayed only if the Enable check box is selected.

Enable Verify Identity

Field or Control


Enable Verify Identity

Select this check box to enable user authentication when the user saves the Acknowledgement page.

The system will prompt the user for their PeopleSoft password when they save the Acknowledgement page.