(FRA) Setting Up French Workforce Tables

To set up the French workforce tables, use the APE Table (APE_TABLE_FRA), the INSEE Table (INSEE_TABLE_FRA), the External Variables (EXTERNAL_VARIABLES), URSSAF Table (URSSAF_TABLE_FRA), FRA CPAM Table (CPAM_TABLE_FRA), FRA CRAM table (CRAM_TBL_FRA), Hour Type table (HOUR_TYPE_TABLE), and Occupational Illness Tbl - FRA (OCC_ILLNESS_FRA) components.

These topics provide an overview of maintaining French social security tracking codes and discuss how to set up French workforce tables.

Page Name

Definition Name


APE Table Page


Maintain APE codes for your French organization. APE codes are used to classify the type of industry (such as software, banking, and insurance) that a company represents. APE codes are a normalized set of codes that are required by law and are used on Training Report 2483 (TRN029).

INSEE Table Page


Maintain INSEE codes for your French organization.

Workforce Data FRA - External Variables Page


Enter information that is related to the salaries and Social Security ceilings that are established by the French government each year.

URSSAF Table Page


Set up URSSAF codes. The URSSAF is a French administration that collects the worker and employer contributions for Social Security. This table stores the codes for the local URSSAF offices.

CPAM Table Page


Modify or add a CPAM ID to your human resources system.

CRAM Table Page


Modify or add a CRAM code to your human resources system.

Hours Type Page


Define hours type codes that you'll use to track job hours information for French workers.

Occupational Illness Tbl - FRA Page


Enter French occupational illness codes.

In France, CPAMs are the local social security offices that manage health coverage for French workers. The French government establishes and regulates CPAMs. If you're managing a French workforce, you'll need to identify and track the CPAM offices that impact your enterprise.

The CRAM is the regional social security body that oversees the running of CPAMs. CRAM offices work with companies to both prevent and compensate workers for vocational or personal injuries.

Use the French setup tables to maintain Caisse Primaire d'Assurance Maladie (CPAM) and Caisse Regionale d'Assurance Maladie (CRAM) codes for compliance with French social insurance regulations.

Track and report on occupational injuries for French workers using the Monitor Health and Safety business process in PeopleSoft Human Resources.

Use the INSEE Table page (INSEE_TABLE_FRA) to maintain INSEE codes for your French organization.

Image: INSEE Table page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the INSEE Table page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

INSEE Table page

The system displays the description that you enter for this code on pages or reports in PeopleSoft Human Resources that reference the INSEE code.

These values are set by the INSEE and classify job codes. Link INSEE codes to job codes that are used in French organizations on the Job Data - Evaluation Criteria page.

Field or Control


Special ability

Select if this INSEE code represents a job that requires a special ability.

An worker who is assigned (through the job code) an INSEE code with this check box selected can't be listed as disabled on the French Disability report.

Population Category

Select the population category associated with this INSEE code. Population codes are used in the definition of contingency contracts to identify the population covered by a contract. Population codes are also used by the DUCS reporting in PeopleSoft Global Payroll for France.

Use the External Variables page (EXT_PARM_CD_FRA) to enter information that is related to the salaries and Social Security ceilings that are established by the French government each year.

Image: External Variables page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the External Variables page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

External Variables page

The values that you enter act as a reference for salary and payroll processing in PeopleSoft Human Resources.

Leg&Reg Report Parameters (legislative and regulatory report parameters)

Field or Control


Minimum Salary, Retail Price Index, and Minimum Salary Guaranteed

Enter a minimum salary, retail price index, and guaranteed minimum salary for this external variable. The French government sets the amounts.

Disability Report Rate

Prior to launching the Disability report (DIS001), enter a disability report rate. The rate is set by the French government, and the current rate is 6 percent (a field value of 0,06). The disability report rate is set up in the External Variables Table.

Social Security Ceiling

These ceiling values are determined every year by the French Social Security Administration; the values that you enter are the ceiling values that define different income brackets for French workers. They are also used as a reference for payroll calculations for French workers because many types of Social Security contributions are calculated based on the Social Security income bracket into which an worker's salary falls.

For example, if you enter the following Social Security ceilings for Social Security Ceiling A, B, and C, and the tax rates for each bracket of income are as shown:

Bracket A

Bracket B

Bracket C



2279 EUR

9116 EUR

18233 EUR

Tax Rate





Then an worker whose salary is 31000 EUR per month, based on this Social Security and tax rate scenario, is required to pay the following Social Security premium:

(2,279 × 10%) + (9,116 × 15%) + (18,233 × 18%) + (1,372 × 20%)

Use the Hours Type page (HOURS_TYPE_FRA) to define hours type codes that you'll use to track job hours information for French workers.

Image: Hours Type page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Hours Type page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Hours Type page

Field or Control


Hours Type

Enter the hours type code you are defining. Add rows to define as many hours type codes as needed.

Hours Type



Indicates a shift work pattern. For example, in the manufacturing or industrial sector, production can go on round the clock. The production workers are split into three groups—each group is working one after the other, eight hours a day. Every month, for example, the workers shift to another group. Shift workers who were working the 12 p.m. to 8 a.m. shift move to the 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. shift. Because this type of work schedule implies a lot of constraints in their personal life, those workers are often paid a shift bonus.


Works the same way as the 3*8 option, but indicates that there are two work shifts as opposed to three.


Indicates that the work hours follow a regular pattern using the job's standard hours as indicated on the Job Information page.


Indicate that the worker's hours follow an individualized pattern that is different from the company's default standard hours. Indicate this amount in the Standard Hours field on the Job Information page. This field is used by the French Employee report (indicator 413 of the Employee Survey for the Trade/Services industry).

Use the Occupational Illness Tbl - FRA page (OCC_ILLNESS_FRA) to enter French occupational illness codes.

Image: Occupational Illness Tbl - FRA page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Occupational Illness Tbl - FRA page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Occupational Illness Tbl - FRA page

Use this page to define occupational illness categories for French workers. Use the categories when you enter information on the Disability page.

Note: The Occupational Illness Tbl - FRA table (OCC_ILLNESS_FRA) is used as a prompt table on the Prof. Dis (Professional Disease) field for the Disability page. While there is another Occupation Illness table (OCC_ILLNESS_TBL) used in the Monitor Health and Safety business process, they aren't the same page. If you're entering information about disabilities for French employees on the French Disability page, you must complete this table.

Field or Control


Professional Disability

Enter codes for the occupational illnesses that you want to track in your system.