(ITA) Setting Up Italian Workforce Tables

To set up the Italian Workforce tables, use the ITA C.I.A. table (CIA_TBL_ITA), Cities table (CITY_TABLE_ITA), ITA INAIL table (INAIL_TBL_ITA), ITA INPDAI table (INPDAI_TBL_ITA), INPS Site (INPS_SITE_ITA), INPS Codes (INPS_TBL_ITA), ITA PREV table (PREV_TBL_ITA), Company Codes (COMP_CD_ITA), Company/Estab Codes (COMP_ESTAB_CD_ITA), IT Country FCode (COUNTRY_TABLE_ITA), Seniority Notification Periods (SENIORIT_NOTIF_ITA), Turnover Action (TRV_ACTREAS_ITA), and Productive Unit (UNITA_PROD_TBL) components.

These topics discuss setting up Italian workforce tables.

Page Name

Definition Name


C.I.A. Page


Enter company integrative contract information.

Cities Page


Use the Italian City Table page to maintain the city data. Update the table by downloading the file supplied annually from the Ministero delle Finanze website and the running the Italian City Update process. You can enter the postal codes for cities to expedite data entry during the hiring process.

INAIL Codes Page


Define the INAIL (Istituto Nazionale per l'Assicurazione degli Incidenti sul Lavoro) position code and rate for INAIL contribution.

INPDAI Codes Page


Define the INPDAI (Istituto Nazionale di Previdenza per I Dirigenti di Aziende Industriali) position codes for pension funds.

The INPDAI codes are used for historical data only. The INPDAI is no longer a legal body in Italy and these codes are no longer required.

INPS SitesPage


Set up INPS (Istituto Nazionale per la Previdenza Sociale) site codes. Link INPS sites to INPS codes on the INPS Codes page.

INPS Codes Page


Define INPS data for social security contributions and information needed for social security reporting (DM10).

PREV Codes Page


Define PREVINDAI codes, descriptions, and PREVINDAI position codes.

Company Codes - INPS Codes Page


Link the company with INPS codes.

Company Codes - INAIL Codes Page


Link the company with INAIL codes.

Company Codes - INPDAI Codes Page


Link the company with INPDAI codes.

Company Codes - PREV Codes Page


Link the company with PREV codes.

Company Codes - C.I.A. Codes Page


Link the company with C.I.A. codes.

Company/Estab Codes - INPS Codes Page


Link the company and establishment with INPS codes.

Company/Estab Codes - INAIL Codes Page


Link the company and establishment with INAIL codes.

Company/Estab Codes - INPDAI Codes Page


Link the company and establishment with INPDAI codes.

Company/Estab Codes - PREV Codes Page


Link the company and establishment with PREV codes.

Company/Estab Codes - CIA Codes Page


Link the company and establishment with C.I.A. (Contratto Intergrativo Aziendale) codes.

Country Fiscal Codes Page


Define the city fiscal code.

Seniority Notification Periods Page


Define seniority termination notification periods for employment categories.

Turnover Action Page


Set up action reasons for job turnover actions.

Productive Unit Page


Define production units based on your company's agreements with the unions.

Use the INPS Codes page (INPS_TBL_ITA) to define INPS data for social security contributions and information needed for social security reporting (DM10).

Image: INPS Codes page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the INPS Codes page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

INPS Codes page

Field or Control


INPS Activity Desc (INPS activity description)

Enter the company activity description to be reported on the INPS declarations.

INPS Position Code

Enter the company INPS position codes.


Select the INPS site to which the company must send declarations. Set up INPS site codes on the INPS Site page.

Stat Contr Code (statistical contribution code)

Enter the statistical contribution code to be reported on the INPS declarations.

INPS Fiscal Code

Enter the company fiscal code.

Authorization Number

Enter the authorization codes to be reported on the INPS declarations.

Istat Code

Enter the Istat code to be reported on the INPS declarations.

Use the Seniority Notification Periods page (SENIORIT_NOTIF_ITA) to define seniority termination notification periods for employment categories.

Image: Seniority Notification Periods page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Seniority Notification Periods page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Seniority Notification Periods page

Field or Control



Select the job category to which this labor agreement notification applies.


Select the job subcategory to which this labor agreement notification applies.

Subcategory 2

Select the job subcategory 2 to which this labor agreement notification applies.

From Seniority

Enter the beginning of the seniority period to which this labor agreement notification applies. The seniority must be entered in month units.

To Seniority

Enter the end of the seniority period to which this labor agreement notification applies. The seniority must be entered in month units.

Notif Days (notification days)

Enter, in days, the seniority applicable to this period. For example, a labor agreement might require that employees employed for more than 6 months but less than 12 months have a notification period of 30 calendar days.

Type of Day

Indicate whether the notification uses working days or calendar days.