Updating Personal Data

Use the Modify a Person component to update a person's name, address, phone numbers, marital status, education, and other personal information.

These topics provide an overview of types of personal data, using workflow to update person addresses, and discuss how to update personal data.

Page Name

Definition Name


Biographical Details Page


Update a person's personal information.

Add a Person or Modify a Person - Contact Information Page


Update a person's name, address, phone, and email information.

Add a Person or Modify a Person - Regional Page


Maintain regionally-required information about a person.

Veteran Status Page


Employees use this self-service page to enter and update self-identification veteran information.

When the employee submits the Veteran Status page, the system displays the veteran self-identify data in the Veteran group box on the Regional page in the Personal Information – Add a Person or Modify a Person component.

Administrators can update the selection on the Regional page.

Emergency Contact - Contact Address/Phone Page


Enter names, addresses, and primary phone information for people to contact in the event of a worker emergency.

The Personal Data pages include two different types of personal data:

  • Effective-dated data.

    Name, address, biographical (such as education, marital status, and language), checklist, and some regional fields are effective-dated. Enter current, historical, or future information in these fields. When new information takes effect, the system stores the old data so that you can track the changes that occur over time.

    Effective-dated biographical data is stored in the Personal Data History record (PERS_DATA_EFFDT). Name information is stored in the NAMES record with its own effective date. Address information is stored in the ADDRESSES record with its own effective date.

  • Noneffective-dated data.

    Some personal data fields aren't linked to an effective date. In these fields, new entries overwrite and delete the previous entries. This situation means that you can store only current information. The system stores noneffective-dated data in the Personal Data record (PERSON).

Note: PeopleSoft Human Resources also includes a workflow process for updating employee addresses.

Keeping a person's personal information current can be time-consuming. With workflow, users who do not ordinarily have access to the PeopleSoft Human Resources system can update their address data by using an email program to send the information to your PeopleSoft Human Resources system.

To update effective-dated information on the Personal Data pages:

  1. Insert a new data row in the effective-dated group boxes.

    Each of these group boxes can use different effective dates. They are not related.

  2. Enter the date when the new personal data that you're entering will take effect.

    This date can be current or in the future.

  3. Enter the new information.

  4. Save the pages.

The system updates a worker's emergency contact information automatically if you specify that the contact information is the same as the worker's contact information. When the emergency contact information is different from the worker's contact information, you must maintain the emergency contact information manually on the Contact Address/Phone page.

To activate the automatic emergency contact address update:

  1. Access the Contact Address/Phone page.

  2. Select the Same Address as Employee and Same Phone as Employee check boxes before you update the worker's address.

  3. Select the type of address and type of phone number that is the same as the emergency contact.

    When you update the worker's address, the system automatically updates the emergency contact address. It also updates the Update Dependent/Beneficiary pages in the Benefits menu and the Payroll Options pages in the Payroll menus.

    If the emergency contact address changes and is no longer the same as the worker's, deselect the Same Address as Employee and the Same Phone as Employee check boxes. The system makes the address fields on the Contact Address/Phone page available, and you can enter a different address. After you deselect the check box, the system no longer updates the emergency contact address automatically.

    Even if the emergency contact address is the same as the worker's, you can enter a different phone number.

  4. Use the Other Phone Numbers page to record emergency contact phone numbers for the emergency contact in addition to the primary number that is recorded on the Contact Address/Phone page.

To enter a new address for a worker:

  1. Access the Contact Information page (Workforce Administration > Personal Information > Biographical > Modify a Person > Contact Information).

  2. Insert a new data row in the Current Addresses region.

  3. Enter a new effective date for the new address information and click the Add Address link.

  4. Enter the worker's new address information.

Updating Emergency Contact Address Information

The system also updates the Dependent/Beneficiary pages in the Benefits menu and the Payroll Data pages in the Maintain Payroll Data (USF) menu when the Same Address as Employee and Same Phone as Employee check boxes are selected.