Running Succession Reports

This topic provides an overview of succession planning reports and describes the pages used to run Succession Planning reports.

The summary metrics in Succession Planning reports enable administrators to see key people or roles that are in line for succession planning and identify key persons or roles that require succession plans. This enables organizations to define activities and strategies to search for and select the best candidates for person and role-based succession plans.

Key People/Job Codes/Positions

The Key People/Job Codes/Positions page enables you to create the following reports:

  • Plans for Key Entities, people, positions, and job codes

  • Projected Vacancy for Key People

  • Risk of Leaving for Key People

The Plans for Key Entities report tracks the status of succession plans for key people, key job codes, or key positions, as of the report date.

The Projected Vacancy for Key People report provides information about projected vacancies, career readiness information for a key employee or person's next job code or position, and the availability of successors to fill their projected vacancy.

The Risk of Leaving for Key People report enables managers and administrators to view the likelihood of key people leaving and impact of their loss on the organization. The system also indicates whether there are any possible successors to replace key employees with a high risk of leaving.

Talent Pool Readiness

The Talent Pool Readiness report displays all of the active members of an active talent pool. Changing the filters for the report enables managers and administrators to evaluate various talent pool readiness values.

Talent Pool Ratings Box Assignments

The Talent Pool Ratings Box Assignments report displays a box rating assignment summary of talent pool members for a given talent pool.

Page Name

Definition Name



Key People/Job Codes/Positions


Succession Planning > Reports > Key Person/Job Codes/Positions

View candidates for hierarchical-based succession planning, and identify key entities that require succession plans.

Talent Pool Readiness


Succession Planning > Reports > Talent Pool Readiness

Displays the people assigned to an active talent pool and enables managers and administrators to evaluate various readiness values.

Talent Pool Ratings Box Assignments


Succession Planning > Reports > Talent Pool Ratings Box

Displays a box rating assignment summary of talent pool members for a given talent pool.

Use the Key People/Job Codes/Positions page (HR_SUCC_METRICS1) to view candidates for hierarchical-based succession planning, and identify key entities that require succession plans.

Image: Key People/Job Codes/Positions page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Key People/Job Codes/Positions page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Key People/Job Codes/Positions page

Field or Control


Report Name

Select the type of report to view. Values are Plans for Key Entities, Projected Vacancy for Key People, and Risk of Leaving for Key People.

Plans for Key Entities

Access the Plans for Key Entities page (Select Plans for Key Entities, on the Key People/Job Codes/Positions page).

Image: Plans for Key Entities page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Plans for Key Entities page (1 of 2). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Plans for Key Entities page (1 of 2)

Image: Plans for Key Entities page (2 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Plans for Key Entities page (2 of 2). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Plans for Key Entities page (2 of 2)

Field or Control


Key Entity

Select to display the key people, key job codes, or key positions in the chart on this page.

Plan Available

Select the basic status of succession plans for the specified key entities. Values are All, Yes, and No.

Number of Successors

Select to track the number of successors for the specified key entities. Values are Any, 1-2, 3 or more.

Attn (attention)

Displays an exclamation point when the number of successors is zero, otherwise this field is blank.

Number of Successors

Displays the number of possible successors for the key entity as of the dates specified for this report. If the key entity does not have a succession plan, this field is blank.

Succession Plan

Click a link in this column to create, review, or edit the succession plan for the key entity.

Talent Pool

This column displays a description of the talent pools associated with the key person, based on the report date. When a key person belongs to more than one talent pool, select the desired talent pool from a list.

This column only displays for the Key People results set. The column is not displayed when the search is based on Key Job Codes or Key Positions since only people can be part of a talent pool.


Click an icon in this row to display details of the selected talent pool. If there is more than one value in the Talent Pool field, you must select a talent pool before clicking on this icon.

This column only displays for the Key People results set. The column is not displayed when the search is based on Key Job Codes or Key Positions since only people can be part of a talent pool.