Entering Non-Employee Data

This section discusses how to enter non-employee data.

You can enter basic information about non-employees who are involved in health and safety incidents. The system stores the non-employee data that you enter on these pages separately from employee personal data.

Note: We strongly recommend that you enter employee information, non-employee information (if it applies), and employment information (for injured parties) into the system first, even before the incident information. You must do this for every person involved in an incident.

Page Name

Definition Name


Non-Employee - Name Page


Maintain name information for non-employees involved in incidents.

Non-Employee - Address


Maintain address information for non-employees involved in incidents.

Non-Employee - Personal Details Page


Maintain additional details for the individual.

Non-Employee - Extra Details Page


Maintain extra address information for the individual. This information is required if the individual does not live at a normally recognized address.

Use the Non-Employee - Name page (HS_NON_EMPL1) to maintain name information for non-employees involved in incidents.

Image: Non-Employee - Name page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Non-Employee - Name page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Non-Employee - Name page

Field or Control


Non-Empl ID (non-employee ID)

The non-employee ID that you entered appears in this field.

The system automatically assigns the non-employee ID as the number immediately following the one that is in the Last Non-Employee ID Assigned field in the Installation Table. The number first appears as 00000000000. The actual number assigned to the person appears after you save the information that you enter. Or, you can enter the number manually.

Warning! To avoid maintaining two different sets of non-employee IDs, PeopleSoft recommends that you either always assign numbers manually or always let the system do it.

Use the Non-Employee - Personal Details page (HS_NON_EMPL2) to maintain additional details for the individual.

Image: Non-Employee - Personal Details page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Non-Employee - Personal Details page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Non-Employee - Personal Details page

Field or Control



For reporting purposes, enter the person's birth date.

Date of Death

If a fatality is involved, enter the date of death.

Business Unit

If the person is a temporary or contract worker in the organization, enter a business unit.

Supervisor ID

If the person is a temporary or contract worker in the organization, enter a supervisor ID (employee ID).

Use the Non-Employee - Extra Details page (HS_NE_PERS_DATA) to maintain extra address information for the individual.

This information is required if the individual does not live at a normally recognized address.

Image: Non-Employee - Extra Details page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Non-Employee - Extra Details page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Non-Employee - Extra Details page

Field or Control


Extra Address Information

Enter extra information about the individual's address in this free-form field.

(CAN) Canada

Use the Canada group box to enter additional address details for the individual. This information is needed for electronic reporting to the British Columbia Workers Compensation Board (WCB). The WCB requires that address street numbers are separated from street names. The automatic parsing of address information into a separate street number and name depends on first having this information in the system.

Field or Control


Street Number and Street Name

Enter values. If street number and street name information already exists in the system for this non-employee, then click the Get Default Address button, and that information is automatically populated on this page.

Unit Number

Enter additional address details.

Note: Remember that non-employee address information is entered on the Non-Employee page, and physician address information is entered on the Physician Table page.

Warning! For British Columbia WCB Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) reporting, information on this additional address page is necessary to create the appropriate EDI records. The absence of this information causes the file to fail WCB's mainframe computer editing checks.